by Dennis Dalman
Dollars for Scholars scholarships of $250 each were awarded to 25 students for post-secondary education May 7 during an awards banquet at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall.
The awards presentation was conducted by four people who have been very instrumental for two decades in the success of the St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Program. They are Mike Hazen, president of the scholarship board; Doug Danielson, treasurer; Margaret Evans, chair of the scholarship board; and Jane Litchy, board member.
All funds for the scholarships, which total $6,250, were raised through contributions by area businesses and industry, through individual contributions and through an annual phone-a-thon.
The recipients are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Jennifer Barg, daughter of Janelle and Jeff Barg. The Apollo High School graduate is now in her second year at St. Cloud State University, studying education. Scholarship sponsor: St. Joseph Manufactured Home Community.
Nathan Bedel, son of LuAnne and Brian Bedel. A graduate of the Immaculate Conception Academy of St. Cloud, Bedel is in his first year studying physical therapy at St. Cloud Technical College. Sponsor: Michael Contardo, DDS.
Calvin Birr, son of Joy and Leon Birr. An Apollo High School graduate, Birr is a first-year engineering student at Arizona State University, Tempe. Sponsor: St. Joseph Jaycees.
Ethan Carlson, son of Mary and John Carlson. A graduate of Apollo High School, Carlson will study health and medicine at Mayville (N.D.) State University. Sponsor: St. Joseph Lions.
Leela Cofell, daughter of Monica and David Cofell. A St. John’s Prep School graduate, Cofell will attend St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn. She has not yet decided a course of study. Sponsor: St. Joseph Firefighters.
Matthew Danielson, son of Carol and Doug Danielson. A graduate of Apollo High School, Danielson will study marketing at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon.
Elias Drake, son of Mary and Tim Drake. The home-schooled Drake will study engineering at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon.
Jeffrey Fasching, son of Linda and Gary Fasching. A graduate of Cathedral High School, Fasching will study business and economics at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Sponsor: Collegeville Credit Union.
Brooke Johnson, daughter of Marcia and Steve Johnson. A graduate of Apollo High School, Johnson is a first-year student studying business and economics at St. Cloud State University. Sponsor: Pam’s Auto.
Cortney Kostreba, daughter of Annette and Mike Kostreba. A Holdingford High School graduate, Kostreba will study health and medicine at St. Catherine University in Minneapolis. Sponsor: Styles, Cotton, Milbert, DDS.
Rosalia Kremer, daughter of Kathy and Henry Kremer. A graduate of Holdingford High School, Kremer is a third-year student studying business and economics at St. Cloud Technical College. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon.
Alli Kremers, daughter of Krista and Keith Kremers. A St. John’s Prep School graduate, Kremers is a first-year culinary arts student at Johnson and North in Miami, Fla. Sponsor: Steve Schirber.
Beau Maciej, son of Kim and Al Maciej. A Holdingford High School graduate, Maciej is a first-year electronics student at St. Cloud Technical College. Sponsor: Precise Refrigeration.
Logan Mehr, son of Michelle and Dave Mehr. A graduate of Cathedral High School, Mehr will study music and music education at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Sponsor: Midcontinent Communications.
Tyler Meyer, son of Jenny and Mike Meyer. A Cathedral High School graduate, Meyer will study computer science at St. John’s University. Sponsor: St. Joseph Jaycees.
Max Nelson, son of Ann and Bob Nelson. A graduate of Rocori High School, Nelson will study biology at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Dollars for Scholars phone-a-thon.
Kelsey Osendorf, daughter of Rose and Bruce Osendorf. A graduate of Cathedral High School, Osendorf is a second-year nursing student at St. Cloud State University: Sponsor: Dr. Thomas Newton/CentraCare Clinic.
Shannon Osendorf, daughter of Rose and Bruce Osendorf. A graduate of Cathedral High School, Osendorf will attend St. Cloud State University. She has not yet decided on a field of study. Sponsor: Sunset Manufacturing.
Katie Schleper, daughter of Ruth and Tom Schleper. An Apollo High School graduate, Schleper will study biology at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Sponsor: St. Joseph Lions.
Emily Schneider, daughter of Marsha and David Schneider. A graduate of Apollo High School, Schneider is a third-year student studying business and economics at the College of St. Benedict. Sponsor: Iver Linneman/American Legion of St. Joseph; Knights of Columbus.
Theresa Schneider, daughter of Joanne and Kurt Schneider. A Cathedral High School graduate, Schneider will study biology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Sponsor: Collegeville Credit Union.
Benjamin Thell, son of Janelle and Mike Thell.
A Cathedral High School graduate, Thell will study psychology at the College of St. Scholastica. Sponsor: Sentry Bank.
Nicholas Thell, son of Janelle and Mike Thell. A Cathedral High School graduate, Thell is a second-year student studying physical therapy at St. Mary’s University in Winona. Sponsor: St. Joseph Lions.
Amanda Walz, daughter of Nancy and Steve Walz. An Apollo High School graduate, Walz is a second-year biology student at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Sponsor: St. Joseph Area Scholars for Dollars phone-a-thon.
Amelia Walz, daughter of Nancy and Steve Walz. A graduate of Apollo High School, Walz is a second-year student studying psychology at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Sponsor: St. Joseph Newsleader.
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Dollars for Scholars scholarship winners include (front row, left to right) Leela Cofell and Ethan Carlson; (second row) Max Nelson, Jeffrey Fasching and Beau Maciej.
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Dollars for Scholars scholarship winners include (front row, left to right) Katie Schleper, Emily Schneider, Theresa Schneider and Rosalia Kremer; (back row) Alli Kremers, Logan Mehr, Elias Drake, Benjamin Thell and Nicholas Thell.
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Dollars for Scholars scholarship winners include (front row, left to right) Shannon Osendorf and Kelsey Osendorf; (second row) Jennifer Barg, Nathan Bedel, Tyler Meyer and Cortney Kostreba.