by Cori Hilsgen
Arlington Place Assisted Living residents celebrated Valentine’s Day by crowning a king and queen at their Valentine social.
Housing manager Karen Hennessy said staff had drawn from the male residents names for the king. They chose Albert “Bert” Zimmer. Hennessy crowned Zimmer and asked him to draw a female for the queen. Zimmer chose Mary Pfeffer, and Hennessy placed a crown on her head.
Zimmer, 94, said he didn’t expect it but felt honored to be selected. Pfeffer, 88, said she was surprised. Since they were sitting at different tables, she moved to sit by Zimmer because she felt the king and queen should sit together.
Zimmer’s granddaughter, Joan Stock, was visiting for the social and congratulated him on being crowned king.
Residents enjoyed ice cream with sliced strawberries and cookies they had decorated the day before.
Laura Stommes, 96, just recently moved to Arlington.
“I think it’s great,” Stommes said.
Jim and Kathy Stueve were visiting Jim’s mother Clara Stueve, 101. Stueve, who has seven children, especially loves the coffee at the social gatherings.
“It was nice,” Stueve said. “I liked it all.”
Hennessy said they currently have 20 residents at Arlington, and 23 people are on a waiting list.