Raden golf tournament planned for July 25
The Scott M. Raden Memorial Golf Tournament is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Thursday, July 25 at Blackberry Ridge, 3125 Clubhouse Road, Sartell. The tournament celebrates the legacy of Scott Raden. All proceeds go to Sartell golf teams and the ALS Association. www.scottmradenmemorialgolftournament.org.
Unity Spiritual Center to host pet blessing
The sixth annual Unity Spiritual Pet Blessing is scheduled for 10 a.m. Sunday, July 14, at 931 Fifth Ave. N., Sartell. All people and animals are welcome.
Mississippi restoration event set July 20
A restoration project to improve the Mississippi River will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 20 at Talahi Woods (near Riverside Park).
As part of Minnesota Public Radio’s Water Month, MPR personalities, hosts and staff welcomes members, listeners and the community to volunteer working side-by-side to remove invasive species and plant native grasses. This free event is family friendly. All necessary supplies including water, gloves, shovels, T-shirts and a light breakfast, snacks and lunch will be provided. To register, visit greatrivergreening.org/events/volunteer-with-grg-mpr/
Senior Games volunteers needed
Athletes 50 years of age and older will compete in more than 20 sports on Aug. 1-4 in the St. Cloud area. Volunteers will be needed at a variety of events during the games. Each volunteer will receive a 2019 Minnesota Senior Games T-shirt and those who sign up for two or more shifts will be entered to win a $100 Visa gift card. Visit mnseniorgames.com to volunteer or email rsvp.msg@ci.stcloud.mn.us.
Country Manor seeks outing, excursion assistant
Volunteers assist staff at Country Manor in taking small groups of residents into the community for various activities. A volunteer’s primary responsibility while on the outings is to pair up with a resident and help push their wheelchair. Examples of outings include going out to lunch, shopping, fishing, special holiday events and bowling. Contact Casaundra, Country Manor campus volunteer coordinator, at 320-253-1920 or cheinen@countrymanorcampus.org.