by Dennis Dalman
As of Monday, Aug. 19, there will be a permanent no-parking zone along a 167-foot stretch on the west edge of 19th Avenue in west Sartell.
The Sartell City Council voted 4-4 (council member Tim Elness was not at the meeting) in favor of the no-parking recommendation at its Aug. 12 meeting. That portion of 19th Avenue had long been a subject of safety concern, especially the pedestrian crosswalk across 19th Avenue at 2-1/2 Street N., which is a few blocks west of the Sartell City Hall.
The council said all the neighbors who live in that area will be notified of the change.
The no-parking zone is 100 feet north of the crosswalk on the west side of the avenue and 67 feet of the west side of the avenue south of the crosswalk.
The restriction, the council agreed, is necessary because of sight-distance issues as motorists approach the crosswalk on 19th Avenue. Member Mike Chisum said he has driven that avenue for years and noticed the problematic and safety concern caused by sight interferences, such as vehicles parked on that side of the roadway. The speed limit on that road is 30 mph.