SEPT. 16, 2013
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members present: Meyer; Mary McCabe, vice chair; Jason Nies, clerk/ treasurer; Pam Raden, director; Krista Durrwachter, director; Dan Riordan, director; Shawn Sullivan, student representative; and Mike Spanier, interim superintendent.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to approve the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried.
Chair Meyer thanked staff, guests and students for attending the Board meeting.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to approve consent items a-d as presented below:
1. Minutes of the meeting held on Aug. 19, 2013.
2. Checks in the amount of $1,710,496.20 as presented:
General Fund 1,256,960.45
Food Service Fund 6,057.95
Transportation Fund 76,381.27
Community Service Fund 39,777.55
Capital Expenditure Fund 101,387.46
Building Fund 221,438.03
Scholarship Trust 400.00
Summer Rec Agency Fund 8,093.49
Check numbers 152974 to 153321
Receipts in the amount of $4,684,657.49 as presented:
General Fund 4,498,455.63
Food Service Fund 57,119.10
Transportation Fund 25,928.10
Community Service Fund 57,407.85
Capital Expenditure Fund 2,827.89
Building Fund 50.41
Debt Service Fund 42,178.51
Summer Rec Agency Fund 690.00
Receipts 38850 to 38925
Wire transfers in the amount of $219.69 as presented:
General Fund 25.35
Summer Rec Agency Fund 194.34
Wire transfers 201300014 to 201300015
- Accept the following donations:
Name |
To |
Donation |
Purpose |
Airhart & Company | Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education | $100 | Programming |
Anonymous | Sartell-St. Stephen School District #748 | $400 | Tech Fund |
- Accept the resignations of Tracy Corrow, PME cashier, effective 08-08-13; Heather Sobania, ORE, PM ala carte, effective 08-15-13; Annette Binder, PME, recess supervisor, effective 08-18-13 and Donna Marcks, SHS food service, effective 08-19-13.
Student Representative Report: Shawn Sullivan, senior at Sartell High School
- Full-access-device distribution was completed in late August and early September – students have experienced immediate implementation and utilization of devices in the classes to enhance learning including online quizzes, utilization of Schoology, viewing curriculum and more.
- “Sabre Splash” had a luau theme and was very successful for students and closed with a great speaker.
- Concessions stands now have grilled food at the stadium at the football games – doors open at 5:30 p.m.
- Homecoming week is the first week in October – there will be a black-light dance again as it was very successful last year.
- Elementary students have started to participate in SAYFA Football and Just for Kicks activities.
- “We Day” is an upcoming event several SHS students will be participating in at the Xcel Energy Center which brings students and educators together to empower them to create positive change.
Superintendent Report: Mike Spanier, interim superintendent
- The district had a great start to the school year and everyone district wide is to be commended for their part in creating a smooth start.
- Enrollment continues to increase this fall with 64 more students than we ended with last spring.
- Brenda Braulick, director of food services, was recently named president of the Minnesota Schools Nutrition Association.
- Schoology parent accounts were activated, spearheaded by Instructional Technology Specialist Paul Moe, which provides our families greater access to information about the classroom which includes calendars, schedules, content and more.
School Board Committee Reports:
Board Policy Committee
- The Policy Committee continues to review policies on a routine basis.
Negotiations Committee
- SEA Contract has been presented and voted on at the Board meeting.
- There is a mediation session set for the paraprofessional group.
- The multi-unit bargaining group will meet in early October.
- The principals group will also meet soon.
Technology Committee
- Device-handout process at both buildings went well and was very well-organized.
- Board members will be able to help pass out devices and be at the distribution nights.
- In collaboration with the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation, the first community presentation was shared at the August Chamber meeting.
Annual Report on Curriculum, Assessment and Student Achievement: Kay Nelson, director of learning services and Amy Trombley, district assessment coordinator. Nelson shared the 2012-13 Curriculum, Assessment & Student Achievement Report. Trombley, shared the 2012-13 Assessment Overview and the Vision 2015 Survey Results.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to HAVE SECOND READINGS AND APPROVE THE REVISED POLICIES 709 and 806. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made Durrwachter and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION. All in favor. Motion carried.
New employees or changes:
Name | Bldg. | Position | Compensation | Change | |
1. | Durten Anne Marie Braun | SHS | Media aide | $14.99/hr. 4.5 hrs/per day | Replacing Sue Kutz |
2. | Angela Burnett | PME | Student supervisor | $12.65/hr.2 hrs/per day | Replacing Annette Binder |
3. | Karrie Fredrickson | SHS | National Honor Society advisor | BS11, 4.5%, $1,875.00 | Replacing Ben Hoffman |
4. | Ashley Garceau | SMS | Junior high girls soccer coach | BS1, 6.35%,$2,106.00 | Replacing Alex Busch |
5. | Teresa Heck | ORE | Elementary education teacher | BA, S1 $33,158 | New position 2013-14 |
6. | Jill Haehn | PME | Title I teacher | BA10, S3 $25.47/hr. | Re-hire (funding based) |
7. | Deborah Hahn | DSC | Food service-server | $13.49/hr.2.0 hrs/per day T-Th | Replacing Julie Blanchette |
8. | Amber Herberg | SMS | Custodian | $14.96/hr. | Replacing Brian Larson |
9. | Jackie Huver | DSC | Paraprofessional | $14.99/hr. 3.0 hrs/per day, 67 days | New position 2013-14 |
10. | Jennifer Kelley | ORE | Student supervisor | $12.65/hr. 2.0 hrs/per day | New position 2013-14 |
11. | Susan Krauel | SMS | Paraprofessional | $14.99/hr. 4.5 hrs/per day | Replacing Ayyub, Amal |
12. | Marla Lahr | DSC | Paraprofessional | $14.99/hr. 3.0 hr/per day, 64 days/year & 3.75 hrs/day, 67 days/year | Replacing Leah Greer |
13. | Kimberly Leigh | PME | Food service-cashier | $13.49/hr. 2.5 hrs/day | Replacing Tracy Corrow |
14. | Nicole Maslowski | SMS | Junior high girls swim | BS1, 6.35% $2,106.00 | Replacing Kelsey Laudenbach |
15. | Joan Miller | DSC | Paraprofessional | $14.99/hr. 2.75 per/day M-Th | New position 2013-14 |
16. | Cheryl Nies | SMS | Ala carte | $16.22/hr. 1.0 hr/day | Replacing Heather Sobania |
17. | Susannah O’Donoghue | ORE | Student supervisor | $12.65/hr. 2.0 hr/day | Replacing Julie Dockendorf |
18. | Avalon Olson | SMS | Junior high girls swim (50%) | BS1 6.35%$1,080.00 | Board-approved addition |
19. | Susan Pekula | ORE | Paraprofessional | $14.99/hr. 6.25 hours/ per day | New position 2013-14 |
20. | Aubri Petron | ORE | Student supervisor | $12.65 per hour, 2.0 hrs/per day | New position 2013-14 |
21. | Roger Reder | PME | Cleaner | $13.49 hr. 5.25 hr/per day | Replacing Adam Theil |
22. | Jeff Stang | SHS | Paraprofessional | $14.99/hr, 7.0 hours/day | New position 2013-14 |
23. | Jeff Stang | SMS | Junior high boys soccer | BS1, 6.35% $2,106.00 | Replacing Thomas Stang |
24. | Janet Summerall | SHS | Media aide | $14.99/hr, 5.0 hr/day | Replacing Barb Stutten |
25. | Jennifer Supan | DSC | Paraprofessional | $14.99/hr, 6.0 hr/day, 64 days/year | Replacing Nancy Walters |
26. | Jeremiah Tolbert | SMS | Junior high boys soccer | BS1, 6.35%, $2,106.00 | Replacing Brian Wick |
27. | Kirsten Uran | PME/ORE | Media teacher | BA, S1 $33,158.00 | Replacing Laurie Conzemius |
28. | Myranda Urick | SMS | Junior high girls swim (50%) | BS2, 6.35% $1,080.00 | Board-approved addition |
29. | Sara Winter | ORE | Student supervisor | $12.65/hr, 2.0 hr/day | Replacing Emily Penrod |
Leave of absence:
Name | Bldg. | Position | Action | Expected Duration | |
30. | Sarah Gill | ORE | Teacher | Leave of absence | Dec. 9, 2013-June 5, 2014 |
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL DISTRICT #748 PRINCIPAL EVALUATION PLAN. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made to table the SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN DISTRICT #748 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE THE CERTIFICATION OF THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT FOR THE PROPOSED 2013/PAYABLE 2014 LEVY AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by McCabe to SET THE TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING FOR 2014 ON DEC. 16, 2013 AT 6:30 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE THE CONTRACT WITH THE SARTELL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. All in favor. Motion carried.
Scheduled work sessions and committee meetings:
Technology Committee – Sept. 24, 2013 at 7:45 a.m.
Policy Committee – Oct. 3, 2013 at 4:15 p.m.
The Board had first of two readings of revisions of Policies: 425, 509, 515, 604 and 610.
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. was made by Raden and seconded by Riordan. All in favor. Motion carried.
Jason Nies, Clerk/Treasurer, Sept. 16, 2013
Publish: Oct. 25, 2013
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Sartell City Council will hold a public hearing in the council chambers at 7 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013, to consider an Ordinance Adopting 2014 Fee Schedule and an update of the City’s Financial Management Plan, including capital plans. Copies of the proposed Ordinance and Financial Management Plan are available for public inspection at the Sartell City Hall during regular business hours.
All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing to voice their opinion. Written comments will also be accepted until the date of the hearing.
Mary Degiovanni
City Administrator
Publish: Oct. 25, 2013