Sharon Fitzgerald, Sartell
Ron Scarbro, where were you during the Bush Administration? He turned a $230 billion surplus into a $683 billion deficit. He started two unsinkable wars that cost billions. The only winner was Halliburton, his buddy Cheney’s company.
Bush’s tax cuts for the rich cost $2.5 trillion, and the Romney plan will cost $5 trillion.
Your comments about guns are just silly. Noboby wants to take guns away from responsible owners. However, why would you use an assault rifle with armor-piercing ammunition to hunt ducks, geese or deer? Why would you need a 100-bullet clip? Maybe to shoot up a movie theater.
Obama is having a hard time getting the economy turned around after the mess Bush left it in, but he has only had four years to undo what it took Bush eight years to create. If Romney is elected, we will take another downward spiral. This time it may eliminate the middle class altogether. We will be a second-class country, very rich vs. very poor.
Even if Obama leads in the polls on election day, please get out and vote to save our country from four or – God forbid – eight years during which Romney and his Tea Party cohorts will truly sink our ship.