When – oh, when – will Michele Bachmann meet her Waterloo?
Maybe her disgusting accusations about a Muslim Brotherhood “plot” will finally convince voters Bachmann has become a major liability and a big embarrassment to our district, to our state and to our nation.
Like sinister spiders, Bachmann and four other congressional ultra-right-wingers have woven a sinister theory that one of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aides has intimate ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, thus implying the aide, Huma Abedin, could be a “plant” to influence the United States in favor of the worldwide Muslim movement. This sneaky conspiracy theory fits in nicely with Bachmann’s previous call to have some Democrats investigated for being “un-American.” Ms. Starshine surely takes her cues from the playbook of Sen. Joe McCarthy’s witch hunts of the 1950s. But why does she think she will eventually not be discredited and disgraced, just like liar McCarthy was?
Bachmann’s latest charges are libelous; they are bigoted; and they have been woven solely in order to shore up the vicious lie that Obama is a secretive Muslim.
Fortunately, Bachmann and her fellow conspiracy theorists have been loudly denounced far and wide, including by decent, sane and rational Republicans like Sens. John McCain, Scott Brown and Lindsey Graham.
Has Bachmann no shame? The answer, obviously, is no.
Like her northern sister-in-arms, Sarah Palin, Bachmann will shoot her mouth off about anything – as long as the “anything” is anti-Obama. The more ridiculous the charge, the better. Like other Tea Party members, she has learned the value of playing to the extreme right-wing peanut gallery. It doesn’t matter one whit to her if her accusations are truthful. “Outrageous” is the name of her game. She flings her scandalous mud, knowing it will “stick” in the gullible heads of her followers.
Many of her fawning fans are those hatemongers who cling desperately to the lunatic notions that Obama was not born in the United States, that he is a socialist/communist/atheist, that he is a United Nations one-worlder, that he despises Christianity and capitalism, that he is selling the United States down-river to Muslim interests. These are people with hysterical imaginations who, like Bachmann, have no regard whatsoever for the truth of anything. Using shards of deluded nonsense, they have patched together a grotesque cartoon version of the political world, with Obama as chief villain. Any accusation (the wilder the better) that fits their cartoon plot they will embrace with glee. What’s sad is there are enough of these paranoid hysterics to help incompetent star-politicians, like Bachmann, keep winning elections.
In her five years as representative for our 6th District, Bachmann has accomplished virtually nothing of substance, although she did raise a stink about plans to phase out the incandescent light bulb. Instead of doing the job she was elected to do, she made a mad dash for the limelight, including a presidential run she quickly learned was futile but kept at it anyway, preferring the razzle-dazzle adulation to the less appealing option of rolling up her sleeves and working hard for her district.
Bachmann, like many if not all Tea Party congressional members, cannot be taken seriously. They make a lot of noise about deflating Big Government, lowering or eliminating taxes and solving the deficit. Those are laudable goals, to some degree. But, once elected, they quickly realized making such changes requires hard work and – most of all – compromises. They refuse to do so. Like stubborn brats with arms folded, they balk and nay-say any and every proposal. They vote down any hard-wrangled compromise. They gladly brought the nation to the brink of disaster rather than compromise with the Evil Big Government Empire led by Darth “Obama” Vader. That kind of ideological “purity” is not only ludicrous, it’s dangerous. They are, in a word, spoilers.
Bachmann is the Big Mama of Spoilers. Shame on her. When will voters wake up to her ongoing uselessness? Let’s hope they are wide-awake by the next election. Bachmann (who was born, ironically enough, in Waterloo, Iowa) deserves to meet her Waterloo.