JAN. 24, 2022
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Patrick Marushin. Members present: Marushin, chair; Matt Moehrle, vice chair; Jeremy Snoberger, clerk; Tricia Meling, treasurer; Amanda Byrd, director; Jason Nies, director; and Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover, superintendent. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS; move item C.4 from Action Items to Reports Items B.1 – Superintendent Report. All in favor. Motion carried.
During the public comment opportunity one member of the community addressed the School Board. Steve Kron, 412 Pheasant Drive, spoke on the topic of School Board Policy and the EESE Committee.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Moehrle to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A.4.a – A.4.e AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
A.4.a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Dec. 20, 2021
Minutes of the school board organizational/work session meeting held on
Jan. 3, 2022
A.4.b Checks in the amount of $1,711,461.08 as presented:
General Fund 1,312,493.69
Food Service Fund 111,479.49
Transportation Fund 177,089.04
Community Service Fund 9,870.00
Capital Expenditure Fund 92,786.33
Activity Accounts 7,404.87
Internal Service Fund 337.66
Check numbers 182769 – 182982
ACHs in the amount of $8,413.03 as presented:
General Fund 4,893.74
Food Service Fund 160.04
Community Service Fund 105.04
Activity Accounts 3,254.21
ACH numbers 212200103-212200125
Receipts in the amount of $4,368,960.12 as presented:
General Fund 3,720,403.32
Food Service Fund 356,868.52
Transportation Fund 497.89
Community Service Fund 95,493.40
Building Fund 44.63
Debt Service Fund 159,046.88
Activity Accounts 14,618.76
Internal Service Fund 11,986.72
Receipts 49728 – 49867
Wire transfers in the amount of $4,945,384.83 as presented:
General Fund 1,469,543.46
Food Service Fund 57,137.18
Transportation Fund 26,061.41
Community Service Fund 37,290.66
Capital Expenditure Fund 86,062.89
Debt Service Fund 2,910,155.00
Activity Accounts 3,056.17
Internal Service Fund 356,078.06
Wire transfers 202122405 – 202122488
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $29,614.20 as presented:
Building Fund 29,614.20
Check number 601226
A.4.c Approve resolution accepting the following donations;
Sartell-St. Stephen Pre K-5 PTO, ISD #748, $148.74, RIS classroom supplies
A.4.d Accept the resignation of Danielle Morrison, ORELC, food service worker, 1/28/22; Diane Santala, SHS, AM cashier, 1/14/22; Hally Schmit, RIS, para, 1/27/22; Vicky Schneider, RIS, cafeteria worker, 5/27/22; Alisa Travaglio, ORELC, para, 1/13/22. Accept the retirement of David Murtley, District, grounds, 4/18/22.
A.4.e Approve Resolution Supporting Safe Routes to Schools
Student Representative Report: Kate Ellis
- Ellis reported Oak Ridge students will celebrate “I Love to Read Month” in February with numerous activities. Parent information nights regarding the 2022-2023 school year will be starting next week, along with the new early childhood family education session on Feb. 7. Pine Meadow students are celebrating paraprofessional appreciation week this week and the STEAM area of focus will be coding and robotics for students in February. Riverview Intermediate will also be celebrating “I Love to Read Month” in February with special events and students continue to work on Sabre Strong. Sartell Middle School students participated in Winter Wonderland activities including dress-up days and are planning some Olympic activities. Jesse LeBeau will be speaking to students on Feb. 11 about working on leadership with the Student Council. Sartell High School students welcomed interim Principal Tim Wege to the building. Today marked the first day of third quarter/second semester for students, with students having new classes. The Winter Wonderland dance is this Saturday and throughout the week there will be a talent show, dress-up days and pep fest. Registration will start for the 2022-2023 school year next week.
Superintendent Report: Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover
- Ridlehoover reported on happenings around the district. While 2022 has started out chilly there has been a lot of exciting happenings throughout the district. Ridlehoover has had the opportunity to meet with the five buildings to go over and share the vision for the next 18 months. Priorities include increasing teacher leadership and a shared decision-making process. Tim Wege was introduced as the interim principal of Sartell High School. The principal position is currently posted with hopes of having a candidate at the end of February. Dr. Steven Loos of the Central Minnesota Mental Health Center presented to staff last Friday. This past month Ridlehoover had the opportunity to attend the Benton-Stearns Education District, Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation and MASA Region 6 board meetings in addition to spending time with students subbing in a Sartell Middle School science classroom. Students will have an opportunity for a potential field trip to Japan in the summer of 2023 from EF Educational Tours. A special thank you to paraprofessionals as we celebrate Paraprofessional Appreciation Week Jan. 24-28.
Educational Equity and Student Experience Committee Report:
- Superintendent Ridlehoover provided an update on the committee’s progress and process the committee is going through.
District Finance Report:
- Director of Business Services Joe Prom provided an update on district finances.
COVID-19 Report:
- Director of Human Resources Krista Durrwachter provided an update regarding COVID-19.
School Board Committee Report:
- Vice Chair Moehrle reported on the policy committee meeting in early January. The meeting reviewed policies that required annual review each year. MSBA is working on additional updates due to legal changes. The committee will meet again in February to finish the process.
- Clerk Snoberger gave an update on the Sports Complex process and the support expressed from local businesses.
- Director Byrd reported she attended MSBA’s in-person leadership workshop.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Meling to APPROVE #1-26:
New Employees/Changes:
Devon Abraham, RIS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, new position, 1/13/2022; Cindy Austin, SMS, 6th- to 8th-grade Math Counts, $945 (2.25 percent), BA, A ($42,002), replacing Mallory Johnson, 12/1/2021; Bethany Belling, SHS, custodian, $19.32/hour, RIII, S2, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, Local 284-bumping rights by Mike Lashinski, 1/6/2022; Cathy Bergeron, PMPS, para (1:1), $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 6.5 hours/day, new position, 1/12/2022; Hailey Bjork, SMS, lead building supervisor, $15.62/hour, RIII, S1, 8 hours/day, replacing Robert Dyer, 1/12/2022; Kirby Daubanton, RIS, para, $18.89/hour, RIV, S3, 7 hours/day, replacing Alyssa Zirbes, 1/24/2022; Derek Gerads, PMPS, head custodian, $24.31/hour, RVIII, S3, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, replacing Brian Larson, 1/6/2022; Anja Hanson, SMS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Kirby Daubanton, 1/18/2022; Daniel Joudieth Briceno, SHS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Carey Carstensen, 1/5/2022; Steven Kenne, PMPS, lead custodian, $20.81/hour, RIV, S2, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, replacing Derek Gerads, 1/24/2022; Anne Marie Kimble, SHS, assistant nordic ski, $2,660 (9.5 percent), BA, A ($42,002), 67-percent contract, new position, 12/7/2021; Brian Larson, SMS, lead custodian, $25.26/hour, RIV, S6, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, Local 284-probationary period, 12/27/2021; Mike Lashinski, SHS, custodian, $22.68/hour, RIII, S5, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, Local 284- bumping rights, 12/27/2021; Mike Lashinski, SMS, custodian, $22.68/hour, RIII, S5, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, Local 284-bumping rights, 1/6/2022; Jillian Merten, SHS, para (1:1), $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, new position, 1/5/2022; Lara Moline, SHS, band accompanist, $17.16/hour, RV, S1, assignment 1/4/22-2/11/22, 1/4/2022; Hollie Neitzke, SMS, AM cashier, $19.47/hour, RI, S5, 1.25 hours/day, replacing Kathy Porwoll, 1/19/2022; Abbey Rue, SMS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Elena Stevens, 1/10/2022; Mackenzie Schurhamer, SHS, LTS-teacher, $19,968, BA, A ($42,002), 0.4754, new position, 1/24/2022; Carleen Staneart, District, LTS – Teacher, $23,181, BA, A ($42,002), .5519 FTE, new position, 1/3/2022; Alisa Travaglio, ORELC, para (1:1), $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 6.5 hours/day, new position, 1/3/2022; Tim Wege, SHS, interim principal, $520/day, $260/half day, replacing Sascha Hansen, 1/18/2022; Heather Wonders, RIS, LTS-teacher, $22,723, BA, A ($42,002), .5410 FTE, new position, 1/6/22.
Leaves of Absence:
Robert Graham, SHS, custodian, LOA, 1/1/22-2/11/22; Angela Heckman, SHS, teacher, LOA, 3/15/22-3/25/22; Mike Maurer, SMS, teacher, LOA, 1/20/22 – 6/7/22.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Nies TO APPROVE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR 2022-2023. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Snoberger TO APPROVE THE PROVISIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR 2023-2024. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Future Policy Committee Meeting – Wednesday, Feb. 2 @ District Service Center – 4 p.m.
- Future Regular Board Meeting – Monday, Feb, 28 @ District Service Center – 6:30 p.m.
Official Review of Policies:
The Board had the official review of policy: 410, 415, 508, 511, 514, 522 and 806.
The Board had the first reading of revisions of policies: 413, 506, 524 and 616.
Committee Assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:07 p.m. was made by Nies and seconded by Moehrle. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Jeremy Snoberger, Clerk
Publish: March 4, 2022