MARCH 18, 2019
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:38 p.m. by Chair Jason Nies. Members present: Nies; Jeremy Snoberger, vice chair; Pamela Raden, clerk; Amanda Byrd, treasurer; Lesa Kramer, director; Patrick Marushin, director; and Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A-C AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Feb. 25, 2019
Minutes of the board work session held on March 4, 2019
Minutes of the board work session held on March 11, 2019
b. Checks in the amount of $1,825,208.77 as presented:
General Fund 1,492,409.53
Food Service Fund 102,318.66
Transportation Fund 143,704.79
Community Service Fund 35,342.81
Capital Expenditure Fund 51,430.00
Summer Rec Agency Fund 2.98
Check numbers 174743 – 174933
ACHs in the amount of $5,094.80 as presented:
General Fund 5,041.80
Food Service Fund 53.00
ACH numbers 181900051-181900063
Receipts in the amount of $3,699,027.37 as presented:
General Fund 3,386,262.32
Food Service Fund 201,548.45
Transportation Fund 29,672.92
Community Service Fund 72,753.75
Building Fund 7,089.93
Scholarship Trust 1,700.00
Receipts 45680 – 45800
Wire transfers in the amount of $148,226.91 as presented:
General Fund 139,992.50
Food Service Fund 4,820.49
Community Service Fund 3,413.92
Wire transfers 201800057-201800061
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $2,918,496.45 as presented:
Building Fund 2,918,496.45
Check numbers 600479 to 600502
c. Accept the resignation of Nancy Gibbons, SHS, building supervisor, 3/19/19; Michelle Raml, SMS, assistant principal, 2/25/19; Kara Rysavy, SMS, vocal music, 2/28/19; Ariel Torborg, SHS, industrial technology, 3/1/19. Accept retirement of Evelyn Slivnik, SHS, PT cleaner, 6/7/19; Lois Villcheck, ORE, cook, 7/31/19.
Student Representative Report: Eli Lawson, student representative
- Lawson reported on happenings around the district. Pine Meadow and Oak Ridge elementary schools’ third- and fourth-grade students performed their choir concerts during the last two weeks and the second-grade students will perform this week. Oak Ridge had a successful event for their Bingo Night. The Middle School held kids connecting to the community for fifth- and sixth-grade students, the Sartell Sabres Singers and Strings held its first performance and “Grade Night” activity night for eighth-grade students was last week. High School winter sports are wrapping up with boys’ swim, Knowledge Bowl, wrestling and dance participating in the state tournaments. Student Council held its annual blood drive. Participation was down due to not completing a full year since the last drive.
Construction Manager Report on Building Process:
- Construction Manager Lee Gruen reported overall the project is going well with an estimated 100 to 120 workers on site. Theater seating will be verified this week along with the gymnasium floor verified for flatness. The only concrete work left to complete are the stairs. Rigging and the music wing are complete and ceiling tiles are arriving in April for the commons area. The timeline remains on track to be completed and open July/August.
Superintendent Report: Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent
- Schwiebert reported after good conversations with the SEA leadership group, June 1 will be a half-day workshop and a half day of professional development, June 2 will be a building staff development day at all buildings with the exception of the high school, which will use it as a moving day. June 3 will be a half day of professional development and there will be six hours of flexible professional development for certified staff to make up for the lost time due to the snow days. An update on each site was given to the board. At the PreK-K site, conversations with Kidstop have started along with transportation logistics. At the grades 1-2 site, there will be an April presentation by Principals Kip Lynk and Sara Nelson. At the grades 3-5 building, specialist courses and Kidstop are being discussed along with working with Design Tree to find a short-term low-cost building-controls solution. At the 6-8 building, bids for the remodel are in progress and conversations with the City of Sartell regarding Seventh Street as potential for a second outlet from the current high school have happened. At the grades 9-12 building, bids will be taken for the monument at the entrance with an opportunity for a donation from Wells Concrete.
Budget Adjustment Timeline Report:
- Superintendent Schwiebert reported on the current budget adjustment timeline.
School Board Committee Report:
- Director Kramer reported on the Substance-free Coalition meeting she attended.
Enrollment Report:
- Superintendent Schwiebert reported on the current enrollment numbers for each school.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Raden to APPROVE #1-16:
New Employees/Changes:
Connie Binsfeld, DSC-Early Childhood, ECSE para, $19.45/hour, RIV, S4, three hours/day, M/T/TH/F, new position, 2/25/2019; Jenna Boyle, ORE, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 3 hours/day, new position, 3/5/2019; Evin Haukos, SHS, assistant boys lacrosse (outside funded), $1,604 (8.35 percent), Step 0 ($38,410), 50-percent contract, replacing Jacob Sailor, 4/1/2019; Shirley Janu, SHS, FACS, $11,372, BA20, Step A, .25 FTE, replacing Stacy Steil-Anderson, 1/21/2019; David Lumley, SHS, spring musical – set painter, $977 (2.25 percent), Step E ($44,294), replacing Avalon Olson, 2/11/2019; Sean Minder, SHS, ninth-grade baseball, $3,929 (9.5 percent), Step B ($41,353), replacing Nick Koubsky, 3/11/2019; Brandon Nordhues, SHS, spring musical – accompanist, $2,422 (5.35 percent), Step F (45,276), replacing Stephen Kuebelbeck, 2/11/2019; Susan Oachs, DSC – Early Childhood, ECSE 1:1 para, $16.42/hour, RIV, Step 1, three hours/day, M/W, new position, 2/25/2019; Susan Oachs, DSC – Early Childhood, ECSE para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, three hours/day, T/TH, replacing Connie Binsfeld, 3/5/2019; Jennifer Punchocar, SHS, assistant track, $1,871 (9.5 percent), Step 00 ($39,394), replacing Darin Morrison, 3/11/2019; Nathan Schultz, SMS, junior high baseball, $1,728 (4.5 percent), Step 0 ($38,410), replacing Chris Magnuson, 3/11/2019; Abagail Swenson, SMS, seventh-grade softball, $1,728 (4.5 percent), Step 0 ($38,410), replacing Sean Minder, 3/11/2019; Melissa Zimmerman, ORE, student supervisor, $13.73/hour, RI, S1, two hours/day, replacing Karen Johnson, 2/26/2019.
Leaves of Absence:
Nancy Avery, SMS, food service worker, LOA, 3/1/19-3/8/19; Elizabeth Brylski, DSC-Early Childhood, child care attendant, LOA, 2/5/19 – end of school year; Tom Kuhn, SHS, ITS, LOA, 3/6/19-5/29/19.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE BOYS GOLF AND CLAY TARGET LEAGUE TEAM FUNDRAISERS AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Kramer to APPROVE RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REDUCTIONS IN PROGRAMS AND POSITIONS. On a roll call vote, the following voted in favor: Nies, Snoberger, Raden, Byrd, Kramer and Marushin. The following voted against: none. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Raden to APPROVE CALL FOR BIDS FOR SARTELL EXISTING-HIGH-SCHOOL-TO-MIDDLE-SCHOOL REMODEL, ALL BID PACKAGES. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE REVISIONS TO POLICIES 413, 506, 527, 529, 530 AND 532. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Future Special Board Meeting – Monday, April 8 at District Service Center – 6:30 p.m.
- Future Board Meeting – Monday, April 15 at St. Stephen City Hall – 6:30 p.m.
Committee assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:27 p.m. was made by Raden and seconded by Byrd. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Pamela Raden, clerk
Publish: April 19, 2019