If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
March 10
2:28 p.m. Traffic stop. College Avenue N/Minnesota Street E. Officer observed male driving who he knew from previous contacts did not have a valid license. Officer stopped vehicle and he admitted to not having a license. Citation issued and male walked from the scene.
5:03 p.m. Personal-injury accident. CR 75 W./First Avenue NW. Officer arrived on scene and observed vehicle #1 parked over center line facing east in the eastbound lanes of CR 75 with severe damage. Officer met with the driver who was standing by the vehicle. She stated she was not hurt but the accident was her fault. She was tired and was attempting to cross over CR 75 and struck vehicle #2. Vehicle #2 was resting against a telephone pole and had sustained severe damage. Driver of vehicle #2 complained of neck and back pain. Gold Cross arrived and both drivers were cleared without medical transport.
March 12
4:09 p.m. Theft. Elm Street E. Complainant reported he had a theft from his vehicle. He was at a business and didn’t lock his car. Taken were some medication, two frisbee discs, a scarf and some loose change. Total value of $110.
6:14 p.m. Hazard. Minnesota Street E. Complainant reported he saw a small gray SUV pulling a trailer and a sheet of glass fell off and shattered on the road. Officer assisted complainant shoveling and cleaning glass off roadway. Officer drove area and was unable to locate vehicle matching description given by complainant.
March 13
1:48 a.m. Suspicious activity. Minnesota Street E. Received a call from CSB Security stating a resident reported two males had been ringing their door bell since about 1 a.m. When officer arrived security was already on scene and stated they saw nobody at the door when they arrived. Officer checked the area and was unable to locate anyone walking in the area.
4:23 p.m. Theft. College Avenue N. Complainant reported on or about Jan. 27 her iPad was stolen out of her drawer in her dorm room. She stated the iPad was valued at $719.95. She has no suspects.
March 14
9:39 p.m. Loud music. Old Hwy. 52. Complaint of loud music. Officer made contact with renter who stated they would turn the music down. They stated they did not think their landlord would actually call the police.
10 p.m. Window peeker. Dale Street E. Officer spoke to complainant upon arrival and he pointed to the window he thought someone was looking in at a neighbor’s house. Complainant stated person was still there. When officer walked up to the location, there was an umbrella wrapped in a tarp near the window. Nobody at window.
March 15
1:29 a.m. Found property. Minnesota Street W. Officer located a red-and-black backpack on top of a snowbank in the back lot of Sal’s. Backpack contained Bud Light beer and hard alcohol that was transferred to a water bottle. Collected backpack and contents and placed in found property.
2:14 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Third Avenue NW. Officer met with individual who was parked at the entrance of Memorial Park with his lights off and car running. Due to time and location, officer asked individual what he was doing. He stated he was talking with his friend before dropping her off at CSB, then was going to head back to SJU. After speaking with individual, everything appeared to be OK.
3:24 a.m. Suspicious person. Hill Street W. Complainant stated an individual was sitting on the driver’s side of his truck leaning into the vehicle. He stepped out of his house and yelled at the person to get out of his truck. The person took off to the east. Officers checked the immediate and surrounding area with no contact. Rechecked area and officer watched the area in his personal vehicle with no contact.
3:16 p.m. Medical. Sixth Avenue NW. Male had been drinking all day. He arrived at residence a short time ago intoxicated. He passed out and fell backward. He gave a PBT result of .266. Officer stood by for Gold Cross who transported him to the hospital.
10:22 p.m. Animal complaint. Elm Street E. Officer met with staff and picked up two dogs. The dogs had been fed and watered by Coborn’s staff. Small golden colored male and a black-and-white female. Female had a collar with no tags. Transported the dogs to Becky’s Bed and Biscuit.
March 16
1:02 a.m. Intoxicated person. College Avenue S. Female passed out from alcohol poisoning. Breathing was slow, pulse was slow and weak. Requested Gold Cross who transported her.