Collegeville Community Credit Union President Mark Douvier recently announced the credit union has received a grant from the Minnesota Credit Union Foundation to assist in establishing a student-run branch of the credit union on the campus of St. John’s University in Collegeville. Douvier said, “This branch will be one of the first credit unions on a university campus in Minnesota. Even more importantly, it will be largely student managed, with a student board and leadership.” While financial oversight will take place from the main credit union office, the branch will hire up to six students as part-time employees and include a 2014 SJU alumnus as its manager. CCCU hopes to have partnerships with several departments and organizations on campus to offer real-life experiences for students, ranging from accounting to finance and marketing.
“We want the students involved in this branch to make decisions and see, firsthand, the successes and struggles that result from these decisions,” Douvier said. “The administration from SJU has been welcoming and supportive of this collaborative effort. Finding space on a college campus is a challenge, but President Hemesath and his team have made it come together.”
The branch will be located next to the SJU Bookstore in Sexton Commons, and plans to be open this fall.