by Leanne Loy
Members of the city council and the Jacob Wetterling Community Center focus group met Wednesday, June 16th to listen to four architecture firms propose their ideas for the much-anticipated community center.
Narrowed down from 18 prospects, the four firms that presented on Wednesday evening were: GLT Architects with Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, HMA Architects, JLG Architects, and HGA Architects. Each firm presented on their expertise, ideas, and goals for this important project. Throughout each presentation one thing was abundantly clear, what they want to focus on the most, is the communities’ vision. It is an important project, one that will bring families and neighbors together, so deciding on which firm to go with is not going to be an easy task.
The committee was presented with four very viable options. Next steps are discussing each proposal in detail and considering what they want the center to provide.
On Tuesday evening, June 22 the committee invited Greg Gack, the executive director of the Saint Cloud YMCA, to join the discussion. Gack has an interest in partnering with the city of Saint Joseph to collaborate with and make this long-awaited center become a reality. For now, the committee needs to discuss if partnering with the YMCA fits with their vision and that and of the community.
There is much that needs to be decided yet. “Our next step is to pick an architect firm,” stated city administrator Therese Haffner. “The idea for a community center has been in the works for years, even before I was onboard. We plan to revisit what the public has already expressed is most important to them.” Haffner, along with the committee are very adamant about listening to what the community desires and picking an architect firm that is in line with that vision.
It appears that this long-anticipated project is finally picking up steam.