Henry Kuperus (fourth from left) who drives for Brenny Specialized was selected by the National Association of Small Trucking Companies as a Driver of the Year. The association represents more than 11,000 trucking companies in the United States and Canada. Kuperus has driven for Brenny Specialized for more than six years and has been a professional driver for more than 22 years. He has accumulated more than 2.8 million accident-free miles. Henry Kuperus was presented his award in Nashville on Nov. 2. Pictured are (from left) Buster Anderson, vice president of NASTC; Jeff Muzik, Brenny Specialized; Amanda Kuperus; Henry Kuperus, Joyce Brenny, Todd Brenny, Bonnie Supan, Kyle Seamans and Karl Penner, Brenny Specialized; and guest speaker, Dan Baker.
Henry Kuperus who drives for Brenny Specialized, was selected by the National Association of Small Trucking Companies as a Driver of the Year. The association represents more than 11,000 trucking companies in the US and Canada. Kuperus has driven for Brenny Specialized for more than six years and has been a professional driver for more than 22 years. He has accumulated more than 2.8 million accident-free miles.

St Joseph Lions 100 percent members (from left) Fran Court, Greg Kacures, Mary Stommes, Joe Bechtold, Joanne Bechtold, Jim Meyer, Donna Hoskins, Nathan Molitor, Keith Schleper, Gail Rucks, Ken Stommes, Duane Sorensen and District 5M8 Gov. Michael Cremer.

Y2K Lions 100 percent members (from left) District 5M8 Gov. Michael Cremer, Becky Staneart, Jan Boeckers, Ralph Boeckers, Delrose Fischer, Bernie Heurung, Kay Lemke, Virginia Meyer, Margaret Molus, Ann Rieschl, Kathy Schmidt, Janet Nadeau, Caroline Linz, Marilyn Schmitz, Othmar Schmitz, Sandy Stocker and Joyce Stenge-Oldeen.
St Joseph Lions annual awards ceremony was Nov. 12, at Sal’s in St Joseph in conjunction with a visit by District 5M8 Gov. Michael Cremer. The joint meeting included the St Joseph Y2K Lions and Waite Park Lions.
Cremer presented his personal pin to the three club presidents, secretaries and two treasurers present.
St Joseph Lions Club awards were presented by Club President Mary Stommes assisted by Cremer.
The Lions Clubs International highest recognition is the Melvin Jones Fellowship. This recognition was presented for the second time to Joe Bechtold, Scott Bloch and Mary Stommes.
The Helen Keller award was presented to Gail Rucks and to Keith Schleper for a second time. Lions Leonard Walz and Doug Carlson were awarded the Hearing Research Fellowship. Ken Stommes, Nathan Molitor and James Kuebelbeck were recognized with the Leader Dog Medallion. Kyle Jensen was presented with the Dream Catcher award. Greg Kacures and Duane Sorensen received the Top Dog Award, Kacures for a second time and Sorensen for a third time.
Twelve club members were recognized for 100 percent attendance at club meetings during the past year. They are Joe and Joanne Bechtold, Fran Court, Donna Hoskins, Greg Kacures, Jim Meyer, Nathan Molitor, Gail Rucks, Keith Schleper, Duane Sorensen, Ken and Mary Stommes.
The Y2K Lions President Becky Staenart with the help of Cremer presented awards to Y2K Club members.
The Helen Keller award was presented to Secretary Jan Boeckers. Ralph Boeckers and Delrose Fischer were presented with the Top Dog award. Caroline Linz was given the Dream Catcher award.
Sixteen club members were recognized for 100 percent attendance at club meetings during the year. Recipients of the award were Jan and Ralph Boeckers, Delrose Fischer, Bernie Heurung, Kay Lemke, Caroline Linz, Virginia Meyer, Margaret Molus, Janet Nadeau, Joyce Stenge-Oldeen, Ann Reischl, Kathy Schmidt, Marilyn and Othmar Schmitz, Staneart and Sandy Stocker.
Stommes presented a Leader Dog Banner Pin with the caption “Together We Serve” to Y2K Lions President Staneart in appreciation for their assistance during the fundraising effort Rock for Alzheimers recently successfully completed.

St. Joseph Catholic School participated in the St. Joseph Y2K Peace Poster Contest, Journey of Peace. Participants (from left) are Josie Eastman, second place; Madeline Ramirez, first place; and Trayden Smith, third place. Madeline’s poster has been forwarded to the district level competition.

St. John’s Preparatory School participated in the St. Joseph Y2K Lions Peace Poster Contest, Journey of Peace. Participants (front row from left) Cordova Aviles, third place; Aubrie Louis, first place; and Isabella Colomski, second place; (back row) Ann Reischl and Delrose Fischer of the St. Joseph Y2K Lions. Aubrie’s poster has been forwarded to the district level competition.
Thomas Hawkins, son of Andy and Erinn Hawkins of St. Joseph, is studying in London during the fall semester 2019 through the Center of Global Education at the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University. Hawkins is a junior psychology major at SJU.