Donate blood this holiday season!
Blood donated through the American Red Cross helps patients of all ages including cancer and sickle cell patients, trauma and burn patients, and patients with chronic diseases. Minimum requirements for whole-blood donation include donation frequency of every 56 days, must be in good health and feeling well, at least age 16 and weigh at least 110 pounds. Visit for more information. A one-time blood donation can save up to three lives! Schedule an appointment to give blood today! Visit
Food shelf asks for donations
Catholic Charities Emergency Services food shelf is looking for donations of peanut butter, canned meats such as tuna and chicken, vegetable oil, oil spray, flour, sugar, pancake mix and syrup, and seasonings. While cash donations stretch the farthest, donations provide a respectful variety for clients to choose from. Donations are accepted from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Mondays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fridays. Donations can be delivered to donation door D (door closest to Tenvoorde Ford). Please do not leave donations outside their doors. Donations must be collected and weighed by Catholic Charities staff to ensure food safety standards and inventory tracking. Outside of these times, please call 320-229-4560 to coordinate another drop off time.
Meals on Wheels seeks drivers
Meals on Wheels Drivers provide nutritious noon meals and social interaction to homebound seniors in and around the greater St. Cloud area. Meals are delivered Monday and Wednesday with the exception of holidays. Approximately one hour per week, starting at 10:30 a.m. Driver’s license, personal vehicle and current insurance is required. Meals are picked up at Whitney Senior Center in St. Cloud. Please call Annie Hendriksen at Catholic Charities at 320-229-4590.