Carol Weiler, Sartell
I read Irene Ertl’s letter to the editor (April 4 Newsleader Opinion Page), and I have a few suggestions for her.
First, please do not blame the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare) for the problems you and your daughter encountered at the doctor’s office. It seems these problems (excessive waiting, bad instruction and inappropriate billing) may be caused by bad management within your provider’s office.
It seems to me your daughter’s doctor has scheduling problems – an internal office-management problem. Your poor instructions by a nurse, well, that’s just incompetence on her part. Both of these problems could be cured by changing doctors. These problems are not caused by Obamacare. I, too, am on Medicare and have received prompt and courteous attention at my provider and insurer, HealthPartners, with no billing surprises. There can be a big difference in care, and it should cost no more to go the the organization that treats you the best. As for your billing mess, I cannot speak to that.