4th annual St. Joseph Community Food Shelf Drive
8 a.m.-noon Saturday, Sept. 13
The Food Shelf Board & Volunteers
Food: “any substance – taken in – to enable (something) to live and grow. Anything that nourishes.”
Nourish: “to provide with substances that are necessary to live and grow.”
– Webster’s New World Dictionary
Most of you residents reading this promotional notice are all too aware the price of food has gone up significantly in the last few years – to an all-time high. By most estimates, prices have gone up significantly while median household income has fallen for a five-year low, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. For the first time, there are more part-time workers than full-time employees.
While we all can argue about the means of improving the economy so as to diminish the need for food shelves, the need persists here and now. Cogent arguments do not in and by themselves fill hungry bellies.
There does still exist in this age of moral relativism, some non-negotiable truths – among them, the moral imperative to feed those in need given our capacity to do so.
The food shelf board and volunteers respectfully ask for your generous support. Whatever is on our shelves to distribute to those in need is in actuality your gifts to them. Please don’t “give ’til it hurts” but “give ’til it feels good.”
Thank you.