If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a crime.
Jan. 17
1:14 p.m. Parking violation. CR 120. An officer was dispatched to a business for a complaint of a vehicle being parked in a handicap stall, and there was no placard displayed. The officer arrived and looked inside the vehicle and could see the placard displayed on the sunshade of the driver’s side. No violation.
Jan. 18
7:59 p.m. Driving intoxicated. CR 120. Officers were called for juveniles in a vehicle driving in the parking lot, passing around a bottle of alcohol. The officer headed toward the registered owner’s address due to the time delay and direction of travel. The officer saw the vehicle returning home and made a traffic stop. As the officer made contact, a juvenile male handed the officer a bottle of sparkling non-alcoholic juice. The driver informed the officer he knew what they did was dumb. The officer did a preliminary breath test with the male and the results were negative. The driver’s parent came outside during the traffic stop and was informed of what had happened. The officer discussed making better choices with the juveniles.
Jan. 19
12:25 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. CR 133. An officer was dispatched to a suspicious vehicle that was parked on a service road between a new development and neighboring homes. The officer arrived in the area and spoke to the male driver. The driver stated he had unloaded his side-by-side earlier and had gotten it stuck in the deep snow. He was using his truck to get it out. The male was also on his own property. No problems, and the officer cleared.
Jan. 20
4:20 p.m. Trespassing. Lowell Lane. An officer was requested for a male who was seen trespassing at a home. The officer arrived and spoke to the homeowner. The resident stated the male in question had not been at the home today. The resident allowed the officer inside to confirm the male party was not there. The officer left and stopped by the business office to let them know his findings.
Jan. 21
8:09 a.m. Mail. Grizzly Lane. An officer was requested for a property-damage complaint. The officer spoke to the caller who stated three mailboxes had been hit by a car and destroyed. The officer arrived and saw the mailboxes had been destroyed, with plastic pieces, wood pieces and car parts all over. The car parts were possibly from a Mazda. The officer received another call from another neighbor stating it happened between 8:53 p.m. and 8:59 p.m. last night. The second caller stated their Ring camera captured the headlights coming past but did not fully capture the incident.
Jan. 22
4:47 a.m. Vehicle in ditch. Fourth Avenue N. While an officer was on routine patrol, they witnessed a vehicle stuck in a snowbank. While speaking with the juvenile driver their parents arrived on scene. The parents and officer assisted in digging the car out of the bank and pushing the vehicle free. No injuries and no damage to the vehicle.
Jan. 23
1:46 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Eveningstar Court An officer was requested to a residence for a suspicious vehicle parked in the complainant’s driveway with a male in the driver’s seat. The complainant called back four minutes later stating the vehicle left and there was no need to have an officer respond any longer.
Jan. 24
11:23 a.m. Welfare check. Seventh Avenue S. An officer was requested to check the area for an older male who was blowing snow and appeared to be holding his chest. The officer located the male and he said he was fine. He told the officer he was just taking breaks as he was getting tired. Nothing further was needed.