Sydney Tchida recently graduated with a degree in child care services and early childhood education from Northwood Technical College in Rice Lake, Wis.
Phuong Tran recently graduated with a doctorate in microbiology from the University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Forty-six Sartell students were recently name to the fall semester dean’s list at St. Cloud State University.
They and their majors are as follows: Sohaib Akram, pre-medicine; Jessica Andrewsen, management; Osama Ayyub, mechanical engineering; Kendra Bokelman, life science/general science education grades 5-12; Maren Buss, nursing; Nicole Christiansen, professional communication; Caleb Clemens, biomedical sciences; Sydney Davidson, psychology; Karen Estep, accounting; Triumph Femi Jegede, medical laboratory science; Beau Garman, computer science; Chase Gertken, medical laboratory science; Abigail Haehn, elementary/K-6 education; Bryant Hanna, finance; Kyle Harthan, accounting; Tayler Kalthoff, graphic design; Samuel Larson, criminal justice studies; Anna Lehto, Spanish; Cody Lendt, communication studies; Charles Lockridge, liberal studies; Jordan Mareck, psychology; Taylor Markgraf, pre-physical therapy; Kayleen Martins, mechanical engineering; Elizabeth McGee, PSEO; Nicole Mohs, elementary/K-6 education; Najat Niniche, nursing; Courtney Olund, early childhood education; Tiana Parks, biomedical sciences; Logan Payne, technology education; Cera Perrault, social work; Isabella Randolph, nursing; Amanda Reiners, liberal studies; Rianna Runge, PSEO; Breanna Sattler, management; Gabrielle Schlagheck, accounting; Nathan Schmidt, history; Taylor Sidla, PSEO; Aaron Soderholm, social studies education; Alexis Streit, early childhood education; Jaymie Swenson, accounting; Muhammad Tabish, cybersecurity; Rachel Trost, nursing; Hannah Welsh, community psychology; Lincoln Wojcik, computer science; Morgan Zakrajshek, criminal justice studies; and Lidiah Zipp, communication arts and literature.
To be eligible for the honor, students must earn a grade-point average of 3.75 or higher.
Rachel Eisenschenk, a senior, was recently named to the fall dean’s list at University of Minnesota Duluth.
Nine Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s honor list at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
They are as follows: Brandan Carlson and Isabella Crane, both from the College of Engineering.
Patrick Eichler, Yash Hindka, Paige Mackenthun, Ella Plamann, Olivia Plamann, Carter Schumacher and Daniel Ufearo, all from the College of Letters and Science.
Seventeen Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at North Dakota State University, Fargo.
They and their majors are as follows: Andrew Ambrosier, construction management; Peter Amundson, mechanical engineering; Kenzie Clark, nursing; Shane Corbett, psychology; Ryan Fernholz, pharmacy; Samuel Fernholz, exercise science; Morgan Grasswick, nursing; Blake Hartwig, business administration; Sara Hennemann, business administration; Kaylan Kremer, veterinary technology; Callahan Mechelke, pharmaceutical sciences; Seth Nordin, accounting; Bailey Offerdahl, pharmacy; Jonathan Rivard, computer science; Chloe Spoden, human development and family science; Aria Staiger, agricultural economics; and Lauren Yelle, nursing.
Sammy Quaal of St. Stephen was recently named to the fall dean’s list at North Dakota State University, Fargo. He’s majoring in 0-architecture.
Amber Teer of Sartell was recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul.
Two Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
They are their majors are as follows: Aleah Cole, animal science; and Brooke Walters, biomedical and health science.
Megan Mechelke of Sartell was recently named to the fall dean’s list AND president’s list at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. She is majoring in English and creative writing.
In order to be included on the president’s list, a student must have a minimum 4.0 grade-point average in all academic subjects and a minimum of nine graded hours. To be eligible for the dean’s list students must have earned a grade point average of at least 3.50 on a 4.00 scale while carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours of graded course work.
Anna Ellis of Sartell was recently named to the fall dean’s list at Iowa State University, Ames. She’s majoring in biology.
Leighton Stebbins of Sartell was recently named to the fall dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
Six Sartell students were recently named to the fall high honor dean’s list at Minnesota State University Mankato. They are the following: Brooke Andel, Drew Burling, Madeline Davis, Lauren Lindmeier, Taylor Schmidt and Sydney Thieschafer.
To quailfy for the the high honor list a student must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours and achieve a 4.0 straight “A” average.
Nine Sartell students were recently named to the fall dean’s list at Minnesota State University Mankato. They are the following: Anna Bakken, Joshua Bechtold, Darah Coleman, Madison Dobis, Madeline Eckhoff, Jenna Eibes, Mathew Huver, Reese Schwarzentraub and Lauren Sip.
To qualify for the the high honor list a student must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours and achieve between a 3.5 and 3.99 GPA.