by Cori Hilsgen
If you are one of the many people who are curious about the new MNsure Health Insurance Exchange, then you might want to attend Ralonda Mason’s upcoming presentation from 6:30-8 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 18 at the St. Joseph Community Fire Hall.
The information presented will answer questions about the federal health reform law, the Affordable Care Act, and how it will impact uninsured individuals and those who purchase insurance in the private market. Minnesota’s new Health Insurance Exchange, how it works, who should use it, possible financial supports and what will happen in the future with public programs such as Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care will also be discussed.
Appointed by Gov. Dayton to serve on the 2012 Minnesota Health Reform Task Force, Mason is an advocate for healthcare access issues at the state legislature and with state agencies.
The information session is presented by the Central Minnesota Catholic Worker, Church of St. Joseph and others.
Molly Weyrens, a Central Minnesota Worker member, said this is a way to bring information to people who could be affected by it.
“Since MNsure is something many people could be affected by, we decided to offer a session that would help to alleviate some of the confusion and also bring people together to hear more about the program from folks who have been working with it,” Weyrens said. “Sometimes there is a disconnect between our faith and our day- to-day lives and this type of offering allows us to see how faith communities can help people navigate practical matters beyond worship. The more we can find ways to connect what happens outside of our church buildings with what we are reflecting on inside, the stronger both our civic community and our faith lives can be. That is really what the heart of the gospel is about.”
Mason is a supervising attorney at the St. Cloud Office of Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid. She has more than 25 years of experience working with public benefit programs, including Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare.