by Cori Hilsgen
Residents and staff of Arlington Place Assisted Living, along with other guests, recently celebrated an annual summer “hoedown” picnic.
Arlington Place housing manager Karen Hennessy said they had a great time and a great turnout.
“We invite all residents and their families and all staff and their families,” Hennessy said. “Last year we served about 70 people and this year we served 96. Everyone enjoyed the hoedown theme, complete with cowboy hats and boot can coolers.”
The lunch menu included hot dogs and burgers made on the grill, pasta salad and watermelon.
Picnic guests were entertained by the Slew Foot Family Band from Grey Eagle. This is a family with eight children who all perform in their program. The family adds dancing such as clogging, square dancing, line dancing and more into their program. They also play a variety of instruments including fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar, harmonica and more.
“The residents loved them and really enjoyed that the children were a huge part of their performance,” Hennessy said. “We intend to have them back in September during National Assisted Living Week.”
Hennessy said the weather kept them indoors for lunch, but they were able to enjoy the entertainment outside.
She said she is already busy planning next year’s annual picnic and has the theme picked out and the entertainment booked.
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Arlington Place resident Clara Stueve (right) enjoyed the summer hoedown with her daughter, Doreen Honer (left), and daughter-in-law, Kathy Stueve (center). Clara will turn 102 in August.
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Arlington Place residents, staff and guests enjoyed the summer hoedown entertainment outside.
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The Slew Foot Family Band from Grey Eagle provided the entertainment for the annual summer hoedown picnic at Arlington Place Assisted Living.