by Cori Hilsgen
Hundreds of people walked the woods of St. John’s University and its arboretum Oct. 13 to view the array of fall colors. Many came to attend the 11th annual Collegeville Colors event hosted by St. John’s Preparatory School and St. John’s Arboretum.
SJP students were involved with the event which included hiking, music, games and a variety of foods.
Visitors were able to view the colors along hiking trails that wind through many wooded acres, along Lake Sagatagan and to the Stella Maris Chapel. Colors were at their peak, and the warm, sunny 50-degree weather added to the scenic experience.
Former St. Joseph resident Melanie Hilsgen enjoyed hiking the trails.
“It was the perfect fall day to check out all the fall colors,” Hilsgen said. “It was beautiful out.”