I’m sure most of us have sat around contemplating what we would do if we were in charge. How would we handle the problems facing this country? What would our priorities be? This column is a brief outline of America if I were Emperor.
First, I will deal with foreign policy. In my opinion, we cheat the world by not demonstrating our overwhelming power. We allow far too much disrespect. We allow countries who couldn’t stand up against the Mississippi National Guard to threaten us, take hostages and send their trained killers here to kill our citizens. As Emperor, I would end that. I would also notify the world we no longer are interested in trying to buy friendship. Foreign aid would end. That money would go to our veterans, senior citizens and the needy among us.
Secondly, any mistreatment of an American citizen on foreign soil will result in quick and certain consequence. What that retaliation would be would be determined at the time, but it would be unmistakable. Believe me, it wouldn’t take a lot of this kind of retaliation to change these people’s minds and attitudes. I would then send a message to the world this will be the policy of America so you had better consider carefully your actions.
Concerning illegal immigration, I would immediately require all employers to verify the legal status of all employees and to terminate anyone who could not prove their right to be here. I would arrest any city or county official, any “Sanctuary City,” any welfare provider, any school employee or anyone else who would attempt to thwart our laws regarding illegal immigration. They would not be fined; they would be put into jail. I would then immediately put into effect a visiting worker program that would be closely and carefully supervised with entry and exit dates from this country. Any violation would result in jail time. I know this seems harsh to some, but we either put up with the problem or we deal with it.
Veterans’ issues would be the simplest fix. Every veteran has in his possession an ID card just like Medicare recipients have ID cards. That card identifies the veteran and shows his level of disability, if any, which then advises what his co-pay would be, again if any. All medical providers who accept Medicare would be required to accept veterans. In no time veterans’ issues would be cleared up.
Concerning our economy, I would eliminate many of the regulations and restrictions placed on business by career bureaucrats and free those businesses to get back to business. I would also eliminate the Environmental Pollution Agency and the Department of Education and possibly many other superfluous government agencies. I also would eliminate public employee unions and teacher’s unions.
I would overturn Obamacare and replace it with a more fair and equitable system with fairness to all. I would make certain scholarships were available for bright students attending medical school. In fact, I would make certain scholarships would be available for all students who would qualify. It’s unconscionable for students to graduate with unbearable debt. I would end that. In addition to college scholarships, I would also make trade-school education available. We will continue to need skilled craftsmen.
I would reinstitute the military draft. I remember when we had a draft. It had the added benefit of making you pay closer attention in school and to the law. Our young people need to understand what being an American means and a stint in the military could help with that.
I would institute term limits for Congress and mandatory retirement ages for judges and Congress people.
Our friends have lost their trust in us and our enemies have lost their fear of us. If I were the Emperor, that would all change.