Greg Bearson, Sartell
I just want to thank Dennis Dalman for once again gracing us with grandiloquence in utilizing his lexicon of choice titled “Words to insult Republicans and their actions.”
In Dalman’s opinion article in the Newsleader on Friday, Aug. 8, he continued his propensity to not just disagree with Republicans, but to once again resort to calling them names, thus diminishing the spirit of honest differences and respectable discussion. In his article, Dalman’s lack of thoughtful political debate, civil and polite disagreement, and respect for another point of view prompted him to use derogatory names to describe republicans throughout his article. Here is a list of his descriptions of Republicans and their actions; pathological hatred, cabal of anti-Obama extremists, radical right-wingers, right-wing reactionaries, tea- party extremists, tea-party crazies, witch hunters, cast their voodoo spells, ongoing war (against Obama), hysterically stirred up as Puritan mobs, wacky accusations, desperately silly, shrill cheerleader, lunatic lawsuit, loony-tune lawsuit. Did I miss anything? Oh wait, yes. There are “some courageous Republicans” who have been “brave” enough to try to work with the Democrats and the president. Apparently, one is only courageous if you agree with the author’s point of view.
Dalman, while I think your scorn and hyperbole in describing Republicans is counter-productive and systematic of the problems we have on a national level, I respect your right to those opinions. However, do you honestly believe insulting and demonizing Republicans makes your arguments stronger? Do you think you always know the motivations for what Republicans do? Do you respect only those opinions that match yours? Do you want people to potentially assign your words and beliefs to anyone you endorse, such as Joe Perske, which you will likely do in the upcoming election to replace Michele Bachmann?
There are honest disagreements between republicans and democrats. Your insistence on constantly using inflammatory rhetoric throughout the years to describe republicans as “right wing,” “radical” and “crazy” is, quite frankly, trite thinking and lazy journalism. I would like to challenge you to raise the level of discourse in our local publication during the coming months to replace the divisive and offensive language you regularly use to describe Republicans, with respectful dialogue. Is that too much to expect?