KofC Free-throw Contest set Saturday, Jan. 22
A free-throw competition for children ages 9-14 will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 22 at St. Francis Xavier School gymnasium, 219 Second St. N., Sartell. This annual event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Bishop Trobec Council #5276, serving the Sartell and St. Stephen communities. Winners from the local level will advance to district, region and state competitions. All contestants from the local level are recognized for their participation in the event and the winners at each level receive a trophy. Participants register at the event and must have written consent and age verification from a parent or guardian. Please contact Jake Schneider at (320) 761-7143 or jakeschneider34@gmail.com with any questions.
Whitney offers coaches for hypertension control
Health Coaches for Hypertension Control is a workshop designed to help people with hypertension manage, lower, and prevent future complications from high blood pressure. Trained health coaches provide eight 90-minute sessions addressing self-management, nutrition, and physical activity. Lifestyle changes are recommended, including weight reduction by following the DASH eating plan and increasing physical activity to thirty minutes most days of the week. Topics covered are communication, nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use cessation, behavior change, stress, medication, and community resources. This workshop begins Thursday, Feb. 3, meeting weekly until April 7, from 1-2:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/whitneysc/WorkshopRegistration.
Needed! Volunteer Sexual Assault Advocates
Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center is looking for volunteers to be sexual assault advocates. Their required 40+ hour training has been converted to an online format to increase flexibility for those looking to volunteer. Topics covered in the training include the spectrum of sexual violence, trauma, trafficking/exploitation, advocacy skills and more! Volunteers must live in their service area of Stearns or Benton counties. The 10 online training modules begin Feb. 7. Contact Andrew at akaehler@cmsac.org, 320-251-4357 or visit www.cmsac.org to complete an application.
Republican precincts set Feb. 1 at Sal’s Bar
Caucus Senate District 13 Republican precincts for Collegeville Township and the St. Joseph City will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1 in the back room of Sal’s Bar & Grill, 109 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph.