Teaching artist receives grant for Kennedy Elementary School residency
Mary Bruno received $1,425 from the Central Minnesota Arts Board to conduct a “Basics of Letterpress Printing” residency to begin in January 2014 for fourth-grade students at Kennedy Elementary School in St. Joseph.
Students will learn the basics of printmaking, the principles and importance of good design, the impact and influence of typography in conveying a specific idea, and will have strategies to critique their own and peer samples created in the class.
The basics of printmaking would include the following: how to set type, how to create a hierarchy of importance of text based on size, shape and color. Students will learn how to lock up images and type in a poster press, along with inking and printing the text to make a poster.
Bruno, a letterpress printmaker, is the owner and operator of Bruno Press and a Central Minnesota Arts Board Teaching Artist.
The Central Minnesota Arts Board values opportunities for collaborations between artists, educators and community to convey artistic viewpoints in all disciplines of learning.
For more information about the Central Minnesota Arts Board visit www.centralmnartsboard.org or call the office at 320-968-4290 or toll free at 1-866-345-7140.