KofC Free-throw Contest set Saturday, Jan. 22
A free-throw competition for children ages 9-14 will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 22 at St. Francis Xavier School gymnasium, 219 Second St. N., Sartell. This annual event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Bishop Trobec Council #5276, serving the Sartell and St. Stephen communities. All contestants from the local level are recognized for their participation in the event and the winners at each level receive a trophy. Winners at each level receive a trophy. Participants register at the event and must have written consent and age verification from a parent or guardian. Please contact Jake Schneider at (320) 761-7143 or jakeschneider34@gmail.com with any questions.
Heartland Hospice seeks volunteers
Heartland Hospice is looking for caring and dedicated people with an interest in serving terminally ill patients and their families in St. Joseph, Sartell, St. Stephen and the surrounding areas. Volunteers provide services such as friendly visiting, pet visits, musical enrichment, art enrichment, Veteran to Veteran visits and clerical services. Volunteer classes are available to fit each person’s schedule. Our priority and commitment to our patients and families is to provide safe, quality care. We believe having a vaccinated workforce is one way to deliver that promise. For more information, call Keshia Kettler at Heartland Hospice at 320-654-1136.
Meals on Wheels looking for drivers
Become a meals on Wheels driver! Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud is in great need of drivers in the St. Cloud area. Meals are picked up at Whitney Senior Center and drivers deliver 8-12 meals on average. Volunteers practice non-contact delivery and deliver a week’s worth of meals to each senior. Meals are delivered Mondays and Wednesdays with a pick-up time between 10:30-11:45am. If you would like to volunteer as a driver, visit www.ccstcloud.org/volunteer or volunteer@ccstcloud.org or 320-650-1645 for more information.