MAY 19, 2014
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 5 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members present: Meyer; Krista Durrwachter, vice chair; Mary McCabe, director; Pam Raden, director; Dan Riordan, director; and Michael Spanier, interim superintendent. Absent: Jason Nies, clerk.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Raden to approve the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to approve consent items a-d as presented below:
- Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on April 21, 2014.
- Checks in the amount of $1,755,372.66 as presented:
General Fund 1,143,913.71
Food Service Fund 129,939.54
Transportation Fund 385,571.85
Community Service Fund 40,861.54
Capital Expenditure Fund 51,925.84
Building Fund 600.00
Summer Rec Agency Fun 2,560.18
Check numbers 155986 to 156250
Receipts in the amount of $3,502,992.85 as presented:
General Fund 3,178,521.90
Food Service Fund 157,370.52
Transportation Fund 13,972.01
Community Service Fund 72,516.33
Capital Expenditure Fund 7,206.89
Debt Service Fund 33,638.20
Summer Rec Agency fund 39,767.00
Receipts 39762 to 39878
Wire transfers in the amount of $4,529.86 as presented:
General Fund 691.56
Food Service Fund 3,696.64
Community Service Fund 141.66
Wire transfers 201300065-201300070
- Accept the following donations:
Name | To | Donation | Purpose |
Hams Music | Sartell Middle School | $100 | Choir Program |
ORE PTC | Sartell-St. Stephen School District | $1,164.47 | Library Books |
ORE PTC | Sartell-St. Stephen School District | $879.90 | Maud Hart Books |
- Accept the resignation of Julie Grundhauser, Sartell Middle School, art specialist effective June 9, 2014; Jennifer Kelley, Oak Ridge Elementary, student supervisor effective April 25, 2014; Asha Poepping, District Office, district licensed school nurse, effective June 30, 2014; Erin Roe, Sartell Middle School, teacher, effective June 5, 2014; Heather Sobania, Oak Ridge Elementary, cashier, effective May 27, 2014 and Valerie Steiner, District Office, server, effective June 5, 2014.
Student Representative Report: Mary Lindell, Senior at Sartell High School
Student Councils at Sartell High School and Sartell Middle School have taken place for the 2014-15 school year. Sartell High School had a successful outdoor dance on Friday, May 16. The True Team State Track tournament took place on Saturday, May 17. The girls team placed first and the boys team placed thirdat the meet. The Sabre Booster Club Senior Athletic Recognition Night will be held on May 21. Ryan Kororll, Jake Martin and Mackenzie Nies were presented to be the student board representatives for the 2014-15 school year. The first Sartell Middle School orchestra concert will take place on May 22 at Sartell High School. DARE Graduation will be taking place for 6th-graders at Sartell Middle School on May 30. Prairie Fire Theater at ORE and GREAT Theater at PME have had theater productions featuring their third- and fourth-grade students.
Superintendent Report: Michael Spanier, interim superintendent
Thank you to our retirees for your many years of dedicated service to the Sartell-St. Stephen School District: Cathy Ballard, a speech language pathologist currently at SMS, with 24 years of service; Deb Bialke, a paraprofessional currently at SMS, with 26 years of service; Ann Clark, a speech language pathologist currently at PME, with 35 years of service; Louise Peach, a classroom teacher currently at ORE, with 29 years of service; Bob Popilek, a classroom teacher currently at ORE, with 29 years of service; Karla Sattler, a classroom teacher currently at ORE, with 26 years of service; Jane Scepaniak, a classroom teacher currently at PME, with 21 years of service; Duane Sprague, a technology education teacher currently at SMS, with 15 years of service; Mary Jo Vigoren, a special education teacher at SMS, with 16 years of service; Kathy Wood, a music teacher currently at ORE, with 34 years of service
Cumulatively, these individuals have more than 255 years of service to the district.
School Board Committees
Community Education Advisory Council: Monday, May 5, 2014 –submitted by Michelle Meyer
Summer Rec. Update: Sponsorships are lower – letters went out late. The procedures and donation levels were changed. Community Education will follow up. Numbers are right on pace for registration w/one month to go. Swim changed affiliations from Red Cross to Mid-Minnesota Aquatics – most area districts have made this switch. Cost savings and comparable curriculum to Red Cross. Fall planning begins in June. Books will be printed Aug. 1. Community Education Director – Community Education council would like a member on the interview team. Preschool BF School Kids Connection – 7-8:30 a.m. New position and parent requested
Curriculum Instruction and Assessment Advisory Committee: May 6, 2014 – submitted by Michelle Meyer
Minnesota Assessment changes – All test online. ACT (plus writing) will be taken in school. Date to be determined. Compass test for those to determine if they are college and career ready. Optional Local Purpose Assessment (OLPA) reading and math grades 3-8; Practice for MCAs. Common Core – Hot Topic Issue: Video on Common Core, Language Arts 4: components – 1. Reading (non-fiction – across all content areas) 2. Writing (across content areas) 3. Speaking and Listening 4. Language (grammar, spelling usage and mechanics (across content areas) Minnesota has chosen not to adapt the math standards due to the fact the Minnesota standards were higher than the national standards. SHS Class Rank – (this was presented to our school board in March). Technology Survey (Bright Bytes – Parent/Student Survey). 98-percent of fifth-through 12th-graders have online access at home (those who responded). The district accommodates for the 2-percent – extended library hours.
Minnevate! Minnesotans co-creating innovation for our public schools … an action agenda for our future. May 8, 2014 submitted by Pam Raden
We live in times of rapid, pervasive change – not just in the technology that affects every part of our lives, but in the fabric of our communities, the expectations of public organizations, the impacts of economic shift and the interaction of diverse communities locally and globally. We must prepare our young people for futures we cannot yet imagine, and we believe Minnesota can lead the way. The Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA) has begun a year-long initiative to bridge the space between our visions for the future of Minnesota’s schools and the realities of today. “Minnevate!” is a dialogue process to build an action agenda for education in Minnesota. We began in early December with a statewide kick-off event, and now we will convene regional groups to localize the conversation. This was a four-hour event in which they had speakers or thought leaders to challenge our thinking about how education is delivered. We deliver education on a 1.0 level, Industrial based – training for a job for life. A 2.0 level is a knowledge society, read it, learn it, do it. Now our jobs, world and leaders are looking for education being delivered in a 3.0 level – they referred to it as KNOWMAD Society. They want to change the way we think about delivery of information to our students. What value can we hold or add as an individual and individualize learning, do we motivate and teach collaboration… question is how do we manage knowledge? The reality is the real world is at a 3.0 level and our students are being taught at a 1.0 level. (That was their point) . If you want to know more about “Knowmad Society”, google. John Movavec, he is an author of this book and founder of Education Futures LLC. For more information please go to the Minnevate website.
Preliminary Budget Assumptions FY2014-15: Steve Wruck, director of business services, presented on budget assumptions for the 2014-15 school year.
First Draft of 2014-15 Budget/Deferred Maintenance Plan: Steve Wruck, director of business services, presented the first draft of the 2014-15 budget/deferred maintenance plan.
District Academic and Activities Calendar: The District Academic and Activities calendar was presented.
Report from Information Technology: Kyle Breitkreutz, director of technology, presented the BrightBytes Survey Results.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION AS AMENDED.
New Employees or Changes:
Diane Amundson, transportation van driver,$18.15 per hr. Van, S1, 3.5 hrs. per day, new position;
Laura Bakker, PME, SPED (Temp), $15.44 per hr. RIV, S16.25 hrs. per day, new position;
Sue Bechtold, SMS custodian, $18.88 per hr. R3 S5, 40 hrs. per week, replacing Amber Herberg;
Erin Chisholm, DSC speech and language pathologist, $28,768/ .60 FTE, MA, S5, replacing Heidi Schmidt;
Robert Christianson, SHS lead custodian, $21.03 per hr. R4 S6, 8 hrs. per day, replacing Sue Bechtold;
Julie Counter, SMS LTS server, $16.22 per hr. R1 S5, 4.25 hrs. per day, replacing Tammy Thibodeau;
Rachel Habben, PME speech and language pathologist, $44,368/ 1 FTE, MA, S1, replacing Ann Clark;
Brittany Hemanns, SMS counselor $44,368/1 FTE, MA, S1, new position;
Amber Herberg, PME cleaner, $13.49 per hr. R1, S1 5.25 hrs. per day, replacing Carol Cummins;
Ryan Hiltner, SHS secondary mathematics, $38,616/1 FTE, BA, S5, replacing Matthew Myers;
Brenda Holter, SMS eighth-grade math, $47,946/1 FTE, MA, S5, replacing Heather Shogren;
Tania Jensen, ORE elementary education, $47,051/1 FTE, MA, S4, replacing Karla Sattler;
Allison Kuklok, ORE LTS para, $15.44 per hr. R4 S1, 6.25 hrs. per week, new position;
Mackenzie Lecy, SMS sixth-grade Teacher, $35,036 /1 FTE, BA, S1, new position;
Corinne Lyon, ORE elementary education teacher, $36,826/1FTE, BA, S3, replacing Mary Louise Peach;
Luke Miller, SMS industrial technology, $52,418/1 FTE MA, S10, replacing Duane Sprague;
Jessie Mortensen, ORE SPE, $50,631/1 FTE replacing Lori Connolly;
Katherine Murnane, SMS sixth-grade teacher, $35,036/1 FTE, BA, S1, replacing Lindsay Vernier;
Dave Murtley, SMS temporary grounds, $14.96 per hr. R3, S1; 8 hrs. per day, new position;
Amy Notsch, SMS special education, $43,824/1 FTE, BA +30 S3, new position;
Jesse Olmschenk, PME elementary education teacher, $37,721/ 1 FTE, BA, S4, replacing Bob Poplilek;
Nicholas Percuoco, PME elementary education $37,721/1 FTE, BA, S4, replacing Jane Scepaniak;
Tricia Quinlan, SMS fifth-grade teacher $38,616/1 FTE, BA, S5 replacing Chad Krauel;
Tammy Thibodeau, SMS cook’s helper, $16.76, R2 S4 6.75 hrs./per day, replacing Robin Zormeier;
Marvin Tvedt, PME lead custodian, $21.03 R4 S6, 8 hrs. per day, replacing Robert Christianson;
Mark Weimer, SHS Technology Education, $49,191 BA30 S9, Replacing Joe Schulte.
Leave of Absence: Joe Perske, SMS teacher, unpaid leave, Aug. 25, 2014-Nov. 10, 2014. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Riordan to HAVE SECOND READINGS AND APPROVE REVISIONS TO POLICIES 201, 203.1, 204, 206, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214.1, 404 and 613. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Durrwachter to APPROVE THE REVISED 2013-14 BUDGET. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE THE MSHSL MEMBERSHIP FOR 2014-15. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Meyer and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE JAKE MARTIN, MACKENZIE NIES AND RYAN KORORLL AS STUDENT BOARD REPRESENTATIVES FOR 2014-15. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Riordan and seconded by Durrwachter to APPROVE THE RESOLUTION FOR NON-RENEWAL OF THE PROBATIONARY CONTRACTS AS PRESENTED FOR Amanda Ahrndt, Sandy Warzecha, Tori Altermatt and Courtney Ryan. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE THE LOCAL 284 MULTI-UNIT CONTRACT. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE THE NON-UNION CONTRACT. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE 2014-15 Fiscal Calendar Holidays for Non-Union Contracts and Superintendent. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE THE PARAMETER RESOLUTION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATIONS, SERIES 2014B. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Durrwachter to APPROVE THE REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION FOR PLANNING AND DESIGN COSTS. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Durrwachter to APPROVE THE SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL BAND/CHOIR FIELD TRIP. All in favor. Motion carried.
The board had the first of two readings of revisions of the following policies: 215, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 and 306.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings
June 3 at 3:45 p.m. – Policy Committee, District Service Center
June 12 at 4 p.m. – Finance and Operations Committee, District Service Center
June 16 at 4 p.m. – Regular School Board Meeting, District Service Center
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 p.m. was made by Raden and seconded by McCabe. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Jason Nies, clerk