Travel basketball opens registration in Sartell
Registration for the 2016-17 Sartell Area Youth Basketball Association Travel Basketball grades 4-8 is now open. Online registration and printable forms are on the SAYBA website at Register prior to Tuesday, June 7 to receive early bird priority. Please see the website for more information on the SAYBA program.
Liberty Bank Minnesota hosts entertainment
The fourth edition of Libertyville! will be presented by Liberty Bank Minnesota on at 5 p.m. Friday, June 10 at Pine Meadow Elementary. Along with the usual assortment of giant inflatables, face painting, crazy hairdos and other free activities, this free event will include two special features this year. The first is two appearances by the Timberworks Lumberjack Show from Hayward, Wis. The entertainment will include chainsaw carving, log-rolling competitions, pole climbing and other demonstrations of lumberjack skill. The second feature of the evening is Davis Smith Junior, the Human Cannonball. The evening will conclude with Smith being shot from a cannon across the Pine Meadow playground. Smith’s father performed a similar feat at one of the Liberty Block Parties several years ago.
Food will be provided by the Lesauk Lions. The Lions Club has agreed to provide a wide variety of food and beverages for sale. The net proceeds are given to Sartell Schools to support activities.
“It’s a great opportunity to give something back to the Sartell community that has been so welcoming to Liberty since we opened our branch here four years ago,” said Mark Bragelman, Liberty president. “We are really grateful to the Lesauk Lions for their willingness to make this a great fundraiser for our schools.”
For more information, contact Bragelman at 320-252-2841 or by email at
Register now for Farm Camp
Farm Camp Minnesota, a fun and educational day camp for kids entering third-sixth grade, will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, July 26 on Schmitt Family Farm, near Rice. The camp is put on by and sponsored by farmers, farm organizations, agribusinesses and volunteers. Advance registration is required.
Farm Camp allows campers the opportunity to learn about today’s agriculture, where their food comes from, how it’s grown and how farm products are used in our daily life. Each camper will have the opportunity to learn about various types of livestock and crop farms, including pork, beef, dairy, turkey, corn, soybeans and pollinators – a new addition to this year’s camp. They will also learn about the equipment used on farms.
Early bird registration by June 10 is $10 per camper. Registration includes lunch, snacks, a free T-shirt and a fun bag to take home. Space is limited. Registration will close July 8. For more information or to register, visit or e-mail at If you are interested in bringing a group, contact us via e-mail, postal mail at PO Box 93, Janesville, Minn. 56048 or call at 507-351-9348.
United Way volunteer opportunities
Healthyville Exhibit at the Stearns History Museum
Stearns History Museum is excited to bring Healthyville, a nationally acclaimed touring exhibit, to St. Cloud this summer. Healthyville is an interactive exhibit that teaches health and wellness lessons through play-filled activities and educational messages that foster learning by doing. This exhibit began May 27 and will remain until Sept. 4. It needs volunteers to assist with the success of accommodating a record number of visitors to the museum. Volunteers will work in the lobby taking tickets, answering questions, monitoring the exhibit, responding to questions and helping keep the exhibit tidy. Contact the Stearns History Museum for more information. Contact Julianne O’Connell, volunteer coordinator, at 320-253-8424.
Volunteer as a family
for United Way Day of Action
Join United Way for a community Day of Action. Make a difference in your community by taking action on Thursday, June 16 at Lake George Municipal Complex. Projects include Canvas for a Cause, decorating placemats and cards, assembling literacy kits and more. There is a variety of opportunities and times available. To register, visit Contact Mary Krippner, United Way volunteer engagement coordinator, at 320-223-7991 or
Beaver Island Canoe Trip
scheduled June 24
Volunteers are needed for the St. Cloud Granite City Days Beaver Island Canoe Trip on Friday, June 24. Volunteer at Beaver Island Brewing to help people get into life jackets and load shuttle vans from 2:30-8 p.m. Volunteer at River Bluffs Regional Park to help people get out of canoes, move equipment from the river to shuttle vans and hand out beverages and flyers (must be able to lift and carry equipment) from 4-8 pm. Contact Jennifer Wucherer at 320-650-3119 or
Summer program
seeks volunteers
Hands Across the World is seeking volunteers who want to work with immigrants/refugees youth k-12th grade. Volunteers would help with group activities such as working on a children’s choir that connects children of different faiths in the community, creating beautiful mosaics and setting up a soccer event. Contact Brianda Cediel, executive director of Hands Across the World, at 320-260-1072 or
Country Manor hosts
golf fundraiser June 20
Country Manor is hosting its 14th annual Hometown Classic Golf Fundraiser Tournament at Blackberry Ridge Golf Course in Sartell on Monday, June 20. Volunteers are needed to sit at the sponsor hole, greet golfers, hand out samples or run a game. Dress is golf-course etiquette. All proceeds are used to enhance Country Manor’s End-of-Life Care Program. Contact Caitlin Tierney, Country Manor volunteer coordinator, at 320-258-8936.
For more information, contact Mary Krippner, United Way volunteer engagement coordinator, at 320-223-7991 or