Birth announcement
Tom and Stacy (Nesemeier) Kowalkowski of Sartell announce the birth of their sixth child, Nikolai Thomas born at 6:32 p.m. Tuesday, April 14 in St. Cloud Hospital.
He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 21.5 inches long.
He joins siblings Kristoff, 11, Sofia, 7, Tristan, 6, Gloria, 4, and Viktor, 3, at home.
Grandparents are Dallas and Jackie Nesemeier of Casselton, N.D. and Joan Kowalkowski of St. Cloud. He is also the grandson of the late Norbert Kowalkowski.

Aidan Nelson, Sartell, a National Honor Society member at Sartell High School, was inadvertently left out of the NHS section of the graduation edition, published May 29.
Kiley Sullivan, Sartell, a business student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, has been awarded a marketing scholarship award. The award was presented by the Wisconsin School of Business’ Department of Marketing and recognizes academic performance and service.
Jessica Warzecka, daughter of Sandy and Keith Warzecka of St. Joseph, is the recipient of the Presidential Distinction Scholarship from Concordia College, Moorhead. Warzecka is a 2015 graduate of Sartell High School.
Five Sartell students recently graduated from the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph.
They are the following: Jessica Alkire, daughter of Mary and Doug Alkire, who graduated summa cum laude (a grade-point average between 3.9 and 4.0) with a bachelor’s degree in English; Jacquelyn Husby, daughter of Kat and Doug Field of Sartell, and Kevin Husby of St. Stephen, who earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology; Ali Mick, daughter of Jane and Doug Mick, who earned a bachelor’s degree in communication; Alexis Phillips, daughter of Michelle and Richard Phillips, who earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology; and Gabrielle Ross, daughter of Marilyn and Chuck Ross, who graduated cum laude (a grade-point average between 3.65 and 3.75) with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.

Max Magnuson of Sartell recently earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Minnesota-Morris. He received the Scholar of the College Award for his distinguished contribution in the field of computer science and is applying to graduate school.
Alycia Stidmon, Sartell, has graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in management and marketing from Carthage College, Kenosha, Wis.
Five Sartell students recently graduated from the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
They and their majors are as follows: Derek Cash, cum laude, bachelor’s degree in science and arts, Shannon Link, master’s degree in social work; Erin Krueger, cum laude, bachelor’s degree; Chloe Ree, magna cum laude, bachelor’s degree; and Chloe Tinius, bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
Two Sartell students were recently named to the dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
They are the following: Haley Klundt, economics major; and Taylor Pasell, communication studies major with an emphasis on organizational and professional communication.
Students must earn a minimum 3.5 grade-point average to qualify.
Six Sartell students recently graduated from Concordia College, Moorhead.
They are as follows: Andrew Deters; Andrea Franz, daughter of Jody and Mark Franz, cum laude; Katherine Miller, daughter of Patricia and Stephen Miller, cum laude; Melissa Richter, daughter of Catherine and Michael Richter; Robert Satterness, son of Lori and Neil Satterness, magna cum laude; and Grant Strom, son of Janelle and Terrence Strom, cum laude.
Forty-two Sartell students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at St. Cloud State University.
They and their majors are as follows: Alisha Anderson, psychology; Anna Bathen, community psychology; Jill Bergstrom, nursing; Chelsey Bethke, psychology; Jordyn Brandt, biology; Brandon Burggraff, information systems; Cristina Cardetti, biomedical sciences; Jessica Condon, social studies education; Joshua Curfman, management; Samantha Deans, film studies; Ashlee DesMarais, travel and tourism; Kelsey Fischer, biomedical sciences; Courtney Goulet, biomedical sciences; Brett Hinman, accounting;
Alexa Hughes, general studies; Anne Jensen, communication arts and literature; Noah Kelm, biomedical sciences; Thomas Klein, finance; Jonathan Lahr, marketing; Nathan Lahr, community psychology; Tomas Lorincz, electrical engineering; Jessica Lundsetter, psychology; Emily McIntire, biomedical sciences; Natalie McIntire, biomedical sciences; Alecia Miller, nursing; Michelle Moran, biomedical sciences; Clayton Ramos, liberal arts and sciences; Tomoko Rebeck, early childhood education;
Alyssa Reinholz, community psychology; Andrew Rickers, pre-business; Clare Rueter, management; Samantha Sathre, general studies; Holli Sauerer, elementary/K-6 education; Jeffrey Stang, SPED: academic and behavioral strategist; Lance Sternberg, undecided; Cassidy Swanson, English; Sally Traut, elementary/K-6 education; Catherine Tripp, community psychology; Hayley Volkers, elementary/K-6 education; Cody Walters, history; Jaclyn Yasgar, finance; and Katie Yurczyk, early childhood education.
Students must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.75 to qualify.