Replacing traditional incandescent decorative lights with high-efficient light-emitting diode bulbs is one great way to conserve energy during the holidays. When shopping for holiday lights, look for the Energy Star® label to ensure the product meets energy-efficiency requirements. Energy Star is a program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy that helps save money and protects the environment through energy-efficient products and practices. It makes sure appliances, lighting and electronics are using less energy than their older, energy-hog counterparts.
LEDs offer many advantages
Energy Star-qualified LED decorative lights are exceptionally energy efficient, many using up to 90 percent less energy than an incandescent bulb to produce the same amount of light. For example, the electricity consumed by just one 7-watt incandescent bulb could power 140 LEDs – or enough to power two 24-foot strings. DOE estimates the cost of buying and operating LED lights for 10 holiday seasons would be $17.99 compared with $122.19 for incandescent bulbs. In addition to consuming less electricity and costing less, LED holiday lights are:
• Safer. LEDs are much cooler than incandescent bulbs, reducing the risk of combustion or burnt fingers.
• Sturdier. LEDs are made with epoxy lenses, not glass, and are much more resistant to breakage.
• Longer lasting. The same LED string could be in use for 40 holiday seasons.
• Easier to install. Up to 25 strings of LEDs can be connected end-to-end without overloading a wall socket.
Timers and dimmers for those holiday lights will help conserve even more energy. Watch for rebates that will help defray the cost of LEDs and other energy-efficient lighting products; many electric utilities offer rebates for LEDs (visit And be sure to recycle your old holiday lights. Visit the Clean Energy Resource Teams website to find out where you can recycle old lights in Minnesota.
Contact the division’s Energy Information Center at or 800-657-3710 with energy questions.