Bob Grise, St. Joseph
A short list of Obama’s tall tales would include his claim he would put the economy back on the rails. Instead we have the slowest recovery from a recession in history. Record numbers on food stamps is the result. But don’t worry, we will save up to $2,500 per family with Obamacare. Oh, never mind, it isn’t so, just another Obama tale. “The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk.” Ya right. “Make government open and transparent.” Instead it is the citizenry who have become transparent with Big Brother spying on us. Promise to have us “go all in on energy.” Except for Keystone. Promise to cut the deficit in half. Ha Ha Ha Ha. What Dalman calls Republican obstruction has kept Obama from blowing even more of our tax dollars on his “green” energy boondoggles and other programs we can’t pay for, without borrowing from China. “If you like the healthcare plan you have, you can keep it.” Sounds great, but it wasn’t true. But Obama did keep his promise to raise taxes, apparently the IRS needed the money to play pretend Star Trek and to attack Obama’s political opponents, (the Chicago way). I’ve gone easy on our golfer and chief. A more complete list of Obama tall tales can be found on the internet, including his Benghazi whopper about the video nobody saw.
The biggest scandal of all is ignored by Dalman and his ilk and that is our 18.5 million unemployed, (says AOL). We better get focused on pro-growth policies or soon it will be 25 million unemployed. The answer to our 10-percent drop in income under Obama isn’t more EPA and IRS workers and higher taxes. We need to grow the private sector. Like Reagan did. And no more tall tales.