JAN. 28, 2013
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members present: Meyer, chair; Mary McCabe, vice chair; Jason Nies, clerk/treasurer; Pam Raden, director; Krista Durrwachter, director; Joseph Hill, superintendent; and Sienna Schneider, student member; Members absent: Dan Riordan, director
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Durrwachter to approve the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried.
Recognition of Visitors and Public Forum: Shannon Freeman, 1125 First St. S., Apartment 316, Sartell; Melissa Anderson, 1745 Blackberry Circle, Sartell; and Melissa Lahn, 1813 34th St. N., Sartell, addressed the Board on the topic of revisiting the 2013-2014 academic calendar.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Durrwachter to approve consent items a-e as presented below:
1. Minutes of the meeting held on Dec. 17, 2012 and the organizational meeting held on Jan. 7, 2013.
2. Checks in the amount of $2,859,989.48 as presented:
General Fund 2,373,693.49
Food Service Fund 142,257.89
Transportation Fund 113,259.15
Community Service Fund 54,942.95
Capital Expenditure Fund 65,551.01
Building Fund 107,793.14
Scholarship Trust 2,000.00
Summer Rec Agency Fund 491.85
Check numbers 150229 to 150775.
Receipts in the amount of $4,464,106.30 as presented:
General Fund 4,102,522.43
Food Service Fund 110,985.14
Transportation Fund 27,153.29
Community Service Fund 52,489.80
Building Fund 77.53
Debt Service Fund 170,878.11
Receipts 38018-38127
Wire transfers in the amount of $3,603,790.81 as presented:
General Fund 2,131.68
Food Service Fund 2,348.48
Community Service Fund 171.27
Debt Service Fund 3,599,139.38
Wire transfers 201200030-201200038
1. Accept the resignations of Tanya Peterson, ORE special education teacher, effective 12-21-12; and Jennifer Nash, executive assistant to the superintendent, effective 01-11-13.
2. Accept the retirement of Debra Stock, SMS special education paraprofessional, effective 05-31-13.
3. Accept the following donations:
Name |
To |
Donation |
Purpose |
PME PTO | ISD 748 | $3,000.00 | Books for Leveled Library |
Helen M. Wiseman | Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education | $200.00 | Art supplies, paints, pastels and tools |
Mary Leisten | Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education | $100.00 | 100 solid wood high-end cabinet doors |
Superintendent’s report: Superintendent Hill reported on:
- District Service Center Grand Opening which occurred on Jan. 24. Several families attended the event. Many families signed up for preschool for the 2013-2014 school year. Community members were able to visit Community Education and the Sartell Senior Center that had a display of ISD 748 School District history.
- National Geographic Society map of Africa is on tour at SMS and PME which is on loan from SCSU.
- Middle School Science Rocks was held on Jan. 10.
- Sabre hockey players visited our elementary schools.
- Kindergarten Round-Up will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 29, at PME, and Thursday, Jan. 31, at ORE. Superintendent Hill is anticipating our enrollments to climb.
- Superintendent Hill will meet with administrative staff on Jan. 29 to discuss projected enrollments and unique program offerings. Attention is on the operation side of what will be happening in 2013-2014.
- Safety walks will be happening on Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 29 and 30 with Superintendent Hill, Clerk/Treasurer Nies, principals, custodians, law enforcement and fire-safety personnel.
- Interviews for the administrative assistant to the superintendent position will be conducted the first week of February.
Student Representative Report: Superintendent Hill stated this is a new agenda item. He introduced student representative, Sienna Schneider, who is a senior at Sartell High School. High School highlights included:
- Art Club is working with artists on beautifying the high school with art and plants in livening up the environment.
- Task force is working on creating a hydration station in the commons area at the high school. This hydration station allows students to refill water bottles and tracks how many bottles are saved by doing so.
- Winter Wonderland Coronation festivities were held at SHS on Jan. 28.
- A talent show will be held at the high school on Friday, Feb. 1.
- There is a high school dance on Feb. 2 at Blackberry Ridge.
School Board Committees: Pam Raden and Jason Nies shared information from a technology workshop presented by Apple.
Flipped Classroom Model: Matt Darling and Shannon Vickerman, Grade 5 math teachers, presented on how they are using the Flipped Classroom in their math classes. This model of teaching delivers instruction at home through interactive, teacher-created videos, and moves homework to the classroom. This allows students the opportunity to ask questions and work through problems with guidance from their teachers.
Summer Recreation 2013: Ann Doyscher-Domres, community education program coordinator, and Andria Kelley, community education, presented information about moving forward with summer recreation program planning FY 2013 as an extension, yet separate entity of, community education.
Athletic Family Scoreboard and Communication System: John Ross, athletic director, reported on and explained the differences in the sound system options for consideration on the athletic complex communication system. The Booster Club will explore additional revenue streams to support the purchase of an upgraded system.
Student Activity Account Report: Steve Wruck, business services director, presented the annual report on student activity accounts.
Professional Growth and Appraisal Tool for Principals and Directors: Superintendent Hill presented the Professional Growth and Appraisal Tool that is being used for principals and directors.
District Contract Timelines: Nicole Hylen, director or human resources, presented contract timelines for the multiple bargaining units within the district.
Superintendent Hill presented a State of the District progress report that will be shared with faculty and community. The report highlights the district performance goal progress, as well as a number of points celebrating our operational and academic achievements as compared to similar-sized districts.
The Board took a recess at 8:35 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:42 p.m.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE PARKING LOT BID FROM KNIFE RIVER. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM REVISIONS AND GRADUATION REQUIREMENT UPDATES. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by McCabe to HAVE A SECOND READING AND APPROVE REVISED POLICIES 604, 606, 607 and 611. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Durrwachter to HAVE THIRD READING AND APPROVE NEW POLICY 534 AND REMOVE POLICY 530. All in favor. Motion carried.
Work Session and Committee Meetings scheduled:
Policy Committee Meeting is scheduled for Feb. 5 at 4:15 p.m.,
Work Session Meeting on March 6, at 5 p.m.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION.
New Employees or Changes:
Name | Bldg. | Position | Compensation | Change | |
1. | Jesse Johnson | SMS | Math Counts, 2.25% | S1, $746 | Replacing Joyce Schneider |
2. | Sean Rebischke | SMS | LTS Music, .4863 FTE | BA S1, $16,125 | Covering leave of Amy Hart |
3. | Jenna Stoneking | ORE | LTS – SPED | BA S1, $181.19/day | Replacing Tanya Peterson |
4. | Joyce Schneider | SMS | LTS – Math | BA S1, $181.19/day | Covering leave of Alecia Elfering |
5. | Leah Olk | ORE | Elementary education, .5355 | BA S1, $17,757 | Covering leave of Angela Seutter |
6. | Joy Kowalke | SMS | Server, 2 hrs/day | R1 S1, $13.49 | Replacing Joanne Daniel |
7. | Debra Leigh | SMS | Choreographer – Spring play, 2.25% | S4, $804 | Replacing Kaeleah Morseth |
8. | Nancy Nieters | PME | Para, 6.25/hrs/day | R IV S5 $19.95 | New position |
9. | Sasha Hansen | SHS | Health, .9325 | BA10 S2, $33,788.21 | Replacing Patti Lutz |
10. | Pat Neuschwander | ORE | SPED (homebound) | BA S1, $22.65 | New position |
11. | Wendy Goltz | ORE/SMS | Educational speech and language pathologist, .5082 | MA S1 $21,365 | Covering leave of Marcia Gaetz and Jacqi Scultz |
12. | Leah Greer | DSC | SPED para, 3.5 hrs/day | R IV S1 $14.99 | Replacing Melissa Anderson |
13 | Andria Kelley | DSC | SR coordinator | $17.00/hr. | Replacing Ann Doyscher-Domres |
14. | Karl Scharnweber | SMS/SHS | Health/PE, .4231 | BA S1, $14,029.15 | Replacing Sasha Hansen |
Leave of Absence:
Name | Bldg. | Position | Action | Expected Duration | |
15. | Marcia Gaetz | SMS | Speech language pathologist | Leave of Absence | 04-29-13 to 10-21-13 |
16. | Amy Hart | SMS | LTS Music | Leave of Absence | 10-23-12 to 5-31-13 |
17. | Jessica Boline | SMS/SHS | Art teacher | Leave of Absence | 04-15-13 to 5-31-13 |
18. | Cassie Gertken | SMS | Gr. 7/8 special education | Leave of Absence | 05-05-13 to 5-31-13 |
19. | John Bergeson | Transportation | Transportation specialist | Extension of non-work-related medical leave of absence, and an extension of long-term disability leave | 10-15-12 to 5-30-13 |
20. | Alecia Elfering | SMS | Gr. 7 Math teacher | Leave of Absence | 04-30-13 to 5-31-13 |
Chair Meyer agreed to sign grievances.
The Board had a second reading of proposed new Policy 530.
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies. All in favor. Motion carried.
Jason Nies, clerk/treasurer
Ordinance No. 13-02
The following official summary of the ordinance referred to has been approved by the City Council as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the amendments.
This ordinance updates the current industrial-zoning district ordinance. Expanded performance measurements, clarification of permitted uses and setbacks from residential uses and the addition of the interim-use permit requirement for certain activities within an I2 Heavy Industrial district.
A printed copy of the entire ordinance is available for inspection by any person at the office of the City Clerk any Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
This document hereby is made a part of this ordinance and is attached hereto.
Joe Perske, mayor
Patti Gartland, city administrator
Publish: March 1, 2013