Hot off the press
If you’d like to receive the Newsleader hot off the press, send us your email address and we’ll notify you with a link when our website is updated, which is typically by noon a day in advance of the print edition. Send your email to and you should start receiving your reminder at that address within a week. Notify us otherwise.
Community Ed offers retirement class
“When Should You Begin Receiving Social Security Retirement Benefits?” a class by Marcus Anderson of Thrivent Financial, will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, March 20 at the District Service Center, 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell. Anderson will discuss the following: What your full retirement age is and how your benefit is determined; how retiring earlier than, or later than, your full retirement will affect your Social Security benefit; why it’s important to plan together with your spouse, and strategies to boost your retirement and survivor’s benefits; and how working after you begin receiving Social Security could affect how much you receive. To register, call 320-253-4036 or visit
DFL candidates seek March 15 endorsement
On Saturday, March 15, 140 DFLers from Senate District 13, which includes St. Joseph and Sartell, will gather at 9:30 a.m. at Kennedy Community School in St. Joseph. They will hear from congressional candidates, including Jim Read from Avon and Joe Perske of Sartell, seeking to replace Rep. Michele Bachmann, who is not seeking re-election for the 6th Congressional District seat. They also will select 14 delegates and 14 alternates to go to the May 3 congressional district endorsing convention in Monticello, which will endorse a DFL candidate for the open congressional seat.
Sexual assault center seeks volunteer advocates
The Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center in St. Cloud is looking for individuals who would like to learn how to work with crisis calls, serve as sexual-assault advocates to victims at the hospital, and provide services to victims dealing with the criminal justice system. A 40-hour training is required and will be offered on Monday evenings starting March 17 for seven Mondays and two Saturdays. Call Renae to sign up at 320-251-4357 or go online to for more information.
Stearns County seeks input on transportation plan
Stearns County is seeking public input on its transportation plan from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, March 20 at Albany City Hall, 400 Railroad Ave., Albany. The transportation plan is used to help identify long-term transportation needs and their relationship to other planning activities, while respecting community values and assets. The purpose of this study is to update the 2008 Plan, which was developed as a section of the Stearns County Comprehensive Plan. The event will include a review of the plan’s draft goals and objectives, as well as other components of the plan. Project staff will be on hand to listen to your ideas and answer questions. For more information, visit
United Way volunteer opportunities
True Friends seeks volunteers
True Friends Leadership Development Volunteering offers individuals ages 16+ a unique and well-rounded program, particularly in assisting counselors and campers in Annandale. Through volunteering with their core programs, you will be infused in activities that lead to personal growth, self-discovery and leadership development. Volunteers will work hand-in-hand assisting agency staff and campers within a diverse range of activities such as swimming, arts and crafts, music, nature study, rock-climbing and other fun camp-based activities too. The goal of the program is to teach universal and wide-ranging skills of leadership that can be used within the school setting, home and community. Individuals can volunteer for just one weekend up to as many weekends as they choose. Training will be provided, as well as food and on-site shared housing. The program operates weekly 5 p.m. Friday to 5 p.m. Sunday. Contact Amanda Sorell, True Friends, at 952-852-0101 ext 389.
Youth activity volunteers sought
St. Cloud Area Schools District 742 is currently seeking volunteers to assist as Youth Activity volunteers with their Parent in Action programs at Lincoln (336 5th Ave. SE) and South (1120 S 15th Ave.). Volunteers will be expected to assist children and staff with activities (such as reading, coloring and other fun) while their parents are attending the Parent in Action meetings. If you are interested in assisting with this program, visit to apply. Contact Sonia Dickrell, K-12 volunteer coordinator, at 320-529-6500 x6268.
Help with grocery shopping
Faith in Action is looking for volunteers to help with grocery shopping. Volunteers are matched with older adults needing help with grocery shopping or running errands. Responsibilities will vary according to the individual’s needs. Sometimes the person may only need a ride to the store because they cannot drive. In other cases, job duties may include assisting with making a shopping list, transportation to the store of their choice, help with the actual shopping, (reading labels, getting items off of shelves) carrying the groceries in and putting them away. Some requests are for shoppers to shop for the individual rather than accompanying them to the store. Drivers must be 21, have a reliable car, provide proof of insurance, and a good driving history. Contact Cherise Robb, volunteer coordinator, at 320-258-8678.
Pots and pans needed for families
Catholic Charities Emergency Services needs new or gently used pots and pans for its Clothing Program. Drop off donations at 157 Roosevelt Road, St Cloud. Contact Chad, Catholic Charities Emergency Services, at 320-229-4568.
Woof! Woof! Share your dog with Hospice patients
Pet therapy has been shown to reduce physical and emotional pain. Just imagine a patient who rarely smiles is grinning ear to ear because your dog visits once a week. St. Croix Hospice is in need of caring people and their certified pet therapy dogs to visit with terminally ill patients. Certified Pet Therapy Teams are matched up with a hospice patient in their area and make visits at least once a week. They accept only dogs who are certified by Therapy Dogs International, Therapy Dogs Inc., Pet Partners or other similar organizations. Storytelling and scenario training is provided and visiting schedules are flexible. Not certified? St. Croix Hospice would like to help you connect to people in the community who will help get you started and mentor you along the way. Must be over the age of 18, pass a background check and complete a free annual Mantoux (tuberculosis) screening. Contact Jodi Julseth, St. Croix Hospice volunteer coordinator, at 320-252-2803.
For more information, contact Mary Krippner, United Way Community volunteer coordinator, at 320-223-7991 or