FEB. 25, 2019
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Vice Chair Jeremy Snoberger. Members present: Snoberger; Pamela Raden, clerk; Amanda Byrd, treasurer; Lesa Kramer, director; Patrick Marushin, director; and Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent. Member Jason Nies, chair, attended the meeting remotely via telephone from the following location: Courtyard Milpitas Silicon Valley, 1480 Falcon Drive, Milpitas, California 95035. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Raden to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A-D AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Jan. 28, 2019
Minutes of the board work session held on Feb. 4, 2019
b. Checks in the amount of $2,870,197.83 as presented:
General Fund 2,550,724.10
Food Service Fund 99,996.55
Transportation Fund 145,241.33
Community Service Fund 45,076.15
Capital Expenditure Fund 29,159.70
Check numbers 174477 – 174742
ACHs in the amount of $2,362.74 as presented:
General Fund 2,195.84
Food Service Fund 103.27
Transportation Fund 40.25
Community Service Fund 23.38
ACH numbers 181900032-181900050
Receipts in the amount of $3,880,403.90 as presented:
General Fund 2,623,673.99
Food Service Fund 229,668.93
Transportation Fund 40,880.84
Community Service Fund 129,949.67
Capital Expenditure Fund 770,679.72
Building Fund 3,616.24
Debt Service Fund 81,634.51
Summer Rec Agency Fund 300.00
Receipts 45556 – 45679
Wire transfers in the amount of $7,302.67 as presented:
General Fund 520.02
Food Service Fund 5,432.07
Community Service Fund 1,350.58
Wire transfers 201800052-201800056
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $3,827,564.34 as presented:
Building Fund 3,827,564.34
Check numbers 600454 to 600478
c. Accept the following donations:
Pine Meadow PTO Elementary, Pine Meadow Elementary, $1,003.64, PME art supplies; Sartell-St.Stephen Education Foundation, ISD #748, $100, SMS technology conference; Sartell Sabre Dance Team, Sartell High School, $7,500, outside funded dance coaches; United Way c/o Heather Wensel, ISD #748, $360, general donation.
d. Accept the resignation of Vernon Klaverkamp, District, bus driver, 3/22/19. Accept the retirement of Kaye Heins, SHS, para, 5/31/19; David Plante, ORE, custodian, 5/31/19.
Student Representative Report: Yash Hindka, student representative
- Hindka reported on happenings around the district. Pine Meadow held its annual Bingo Night which was well attended and will have parent teacher conferences along with Music in our Schools this week. Oak Ridge saw the One District One Book wrap up last week and will also have parent teacher conferences this week. The Oak Ridge annual Bingo Night will be on March 8. The Middle School fifth- and sixth-grade Math Masters team will participate in regionals at Sauk Rapids-Rice on March 1 and eighth-graders will participate in Kids Connecting to the Community on March 5 and 6. The high school Nordic ski team won the state title. Dance won the state title in high kick and gymnastics took second at state. Wrestling will be sending individuals to state this week.
Construction Manager Report on Building Process:
- Construction Manager Lee Gruen reported the music area has all carpet installed with door work starting next in that area. The kitchen area has been painted, the commons area only needs painting and the pool area tile work is halfway complete. The gymnasium is ready for flooring work and the theater area concrete work is finished. There will be an upcoming site work kickoff meeting to setup for spring work restarting at the site.
Superintendent Report: Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent
- Schwiebert reported some thoughts on the levy and stated if the board is in need of information the board should have Mike Hoheisel of Baird attend the April work session. In preparation for grades six through eight the current high school will be closed to the public from Aug. 18 to May 2020 for remodeling. The project remains in a good financial state. With the remodel, the district is looking at options for the gymnastics team as they were going to use the south gym at the current high school next year. Next Friday budget adjustment conversations about reductions will take place. The district was not awarded the Morgan Family Grant, as such the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation expressed interest in taking up the same cause. In regards to snow days the district is currently down a net four days, with the recent makeup day on President’s Day. In review of the current snow day situation the suggestion was made to change April 22 from a teacher workshop day into a full school day for students and forgiving the three remaining days for students. This suggestion is based on the current snow situation and would change if more cancelled days are needed in the future.
School Board Committee Report:
- Clerk Raden reported on the Technology and Communications Committee meeting held on Feb. 20.
Enrollment Report:
- Superintendent Schwiebert reported on the current enrollment numbers for each school.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE #1-9:
New Employees/Changes:
Joy Bemboom, SMS, junior high boys tennis, $1,861 (4.5 percent), BA, B ($41,353), replacing Matt Horning, 4/1/2019; Karen Johnson, ORE, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 4 hours/day, replacing Nikki Mortezaee, 2/11/2019; Karen Johnson, ORE, student supervisor, $13.87/hour, R1, S1, 2.25 hours/day, replacing Nikki Mortezaee, 2/11/2019; Chris Magnuson, SHS, assistance baseball, $4,581 (9.5 percent), BA, I ($48,216), replacing Scott Hentges, 3/18/2019; Kim Mitchell, SHS, assistant girls swim, $3,649 (9.5 percent), BA, 0 ($38,410), replacing Sam Kendall, 8/13/2019; Nick Peterson, SHS, strength training consultant (outside funded), $7,365, new position, 18-19 school year.
Leaves of Absence:
Joyce O’Hara, SMS, para, LOA, 3/1/19-4/14/19; Traci Schellinger, SMS, eighth-grade language arts, LOA, 8/26/19-9/16/19; Christina Voegle, SMS, fifth-grade language arts, 19-20 school year.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE PK-2 PROGRAMMING RECOMMENDATION AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Raden to APPROVE COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND CITY OF SARTELL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Raden to APPROVE ACTIVITIES LOGO SUITE. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE UPDATED BUSINESS LOGO. Nies, Snoberger, Raden, Byrd and Marushin in favor. Nay vote by Kramer. Motion carried 5-1.
Official Review of Policies:
The Board had the official review of policies: 410, 414, 415, 514, 522, 524, 531, 533, 535 and 616.
The Board had the first reading of revisions of policies: 413, 506, 527, 529, 530 and 532.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- School Board Recognition Week – Feb. 18-22, 2019
- Future Board Work Session – Monday, March 4 at District Service Center – 6:30 p.m.
- Future Board Meeting – Monday, March 18 at District Service Center – 6:30 p.m.
Discussion was held regarding the Resource Training and Solutions Board of Directors’ Election.
Committee assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:17 p.m. was made by Marushin and seconded by Kramer. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Pamela Raden, Clerk
Publish: March 22, 2019