If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a crime.
Feb. 8
11:27 a.m. Assist person. Sundance Road. An elderly male called into dispatch informing them he needed assistance. The community service officer responded to the male’s location to find his wheelchair was stuck in the snow in the parking lot. The officer assisted the male by pulling his wheelchair to the front doors of the building.
Feb. 9
12:12 p.m. Alarm. Seventh Avenue S. Officers were dispatched for a residential interior glass break audible alarm. The alarm company was unable to reach the key holder. Officers arrived on scene and were met by the house sitter who stated she thought she had shut off the alarm and everything was fine. The officers confirmed nothing seemed out of the ordinary and cleared.
Feb. 10
1:12 p.m. Hazard. Riverside Avenue S. A passerby called into dispatch stating there was firewood spilled all over the roadway. The caller stated males were there trying to clear the roadway but was still concerned about the potential for a crash. When the officer arrived, he found the wood had already been picked up from the roadway and placed onto the sidewalk.
Feb. 11
3:56 p.m. Trespassing. CR 120. An asset protection employee called dispatch requesting an officer cite two individuals who had previously been trespassed off a property. The caller told the officer two days prior she was outside and saw a vehicle pull up to the building and a man got out. The caller recognized the man from previous thefts and said, “Not today.” The male suspect got back into the car and the driver, also known to the caller, left the property. The AP supplied the officer with video, report and current trespass notices. The officer cited both parties with trespassing and citations were mailed to their last known addresses.
Feb. 12
11:04 p.m. Verbal. Amber Avenue S. Dispatch received two calls from residents stating there was a possible domestic occurring in the parking lot, and they could hear small children crying in the vehicle. The officers located the vehicle in the parking lot and spoke to both parties separately. The man and the woman both said it was only verbal at the time and wouldn’t give the officers much detail. The man told the officer his wife was pregnant, and it makes her very emotional. The officers could not prove a crime was committed.
Feb. 13
10:30 a.m. Hazard. CR 120. An officer was dispatched to a hazard near a round-about. When the officer arrived on scene they found a pallet jack in the right lane of traffic in the round-about. The officer was unable to move or pull the pallet jack out of the roadway. The officer called the on-call maintenance employee to assist with moving it. While waiting their arrival, the officer located the key on the road for the pallet jack. The officer was able to power up the pallet jack and walk behind it to the Sam’s Club parking lot. Maintenance was given the new location and the key to properly remove the pallet jack from the property.
Feb. 14
1:23 p.m. Motorist assist. Second Street N. An officer was requested to assist with a vehicle unlock. The community service officer responded to the location. They confirmed the vehicle’s registered owner had made the request for the unlock. The vehicle was unlocked without any problems.
Feb. 15
9:57 p.m. Juvenile problem. Second Street S. An officer was requested for what appeared to be a scuffle between two men near the business. The caller stated one man grabbed the other man, placed him in the vehicle and they drove away. The complainant saw the vehicle pull into a home nearby. When the officer arrived, the caller pointed out which house the vehicle had turned into. A man exited the home and approached the officer. The man told the officer his son ran away while he was at work because he didn’t like the house rules and punishment he was given. The man said they were driving around looking for his son. When he found him, he tried running again so he grabbed him and put him in the car. The officer made contact with the son who appeared fine, other than being upset because he wanted to watch TV and wasn’t allowed to. The officer advised to call if any other problems arise.
Feb. 16
4:14 p.m. Assist person. Brookwood Land. An officer was requested for a civil standby. A man had requested an officer stand by as he retrieved his property from the homeowner. The man told dispatch in the past it has been verbal between the two parties. Upon arrival, the officer met with the homeowner who stated the man owed him $7,000 in damages and in back rent. The homeowner allowed the man to enter the home and retrieve his property and then did a walk through to show damages caused by the renter and renter’s dog. The two parties stayed civil; the officer left when the man left the property. No further action needed.
Feb. 17
3:01 p.m. Assist person. 10th Avenue N. A man was requesting an officer to stand by as they repo a vehicle from a person who they were informed has a long rap sheet. The officer recognized the address and knew the individual who was in question was currently in custody in a state facility. The officer stood by without issues as the vehicle was taken.
Feb. 18
11:01 a.m. Suspicious smell. Amber Avenue S. An officer was requested to an apartment building for the strong smell of marijuana on the third floor. The officer arrived and could smell an odor consistent with burnt marijuana. The officer could not locate the source of the smell, but it was the strongest near the caller’s apartment.
Feb. 19
10:57 p.m. Slump. Second Street S. An officer was dispatched to a report of a woman passed out in her vehicle at a business. The caller stated they had knocked on the vehicle window and the woman did not wake up. Upon the officer’s arrival, the officer knocked on the passenger side window and the driver woke up instantly. The woman stated she was extremely tired from a long day and hadn’t been sleeping well. The officer requested the woman to do field sobriety, which she did and passed. The driver complied and gave a preliminary breath test with the results of .000. The female driver called a friend to come pick her up for the evening.
Feb. 20
6 p.m. Warrant. Seventh Street N. Dispatch received a call from a customer who witnessed a woman slurring speech and stumbling around. The customer stated the woman came from a vehicle parked in the center of the lot. Officers arrived and met with a woman and a man in the vehicle. The man told officers he was the one driving and the woman was the passenger. The officers did note the woman appeared to be under the influence. The officers had dispatch run both parties in their system and it was found the woman had a felony warrant out of Benton County for a probation violation. The woman was detained and then transported to the Stearns County Jail.
Feb. 21
11:23 p.m. Assist agency. Highway 15. A Sartell officer heard Benton County dispatch state there had been a strong-armed robbery in the City of Rice. Benton County dispatch gave out a description of the vehicle and a partial plate. The officer set up at the split just north of town to watch for the possible suspect vehicle. The officer monitored the area for approximately one hour and did not observe any vehicles matching the description.