More than 600 fans turned out at Bernick’s Arena in Sartell on Jan. 25 as the Blattner Energy Hockey Team hosted a free fundraising hockey game with the Minnesota Warriors veterans team that resulted in corporate, private and at-the-door donations topping $29,000 to benefit the veteran’s nonprofit club. The funds raised will be used to help to expand the organization to the southern part of Minnesota to involve veterans in that area; help support the newly created Minnesota Warrior Women’s Ice Hockey Team; and fund ice rental, travel and lodging costs plus league fees for teams who otherwise pay out of their pockets for those expenses.
Two Sartell students recently graduated from North Dakota State University, Fargo. Naomi Kaas graduated with honors for earning a 3.5 grade-point average or higher. She received a bachelor’s degree in English. Sam Brown Krauel earned a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences.
Two Sartell students were named to the fall semester dean’s list at Bethel University, St. Paul. The students are sophomore Allison Bunkers and senior Brooke Hubert. The dean’s list honors students who achieve a grade-point average of 3.6 or higher.
Dylan Notsch of Sartell, a civil engineering major, was named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. The College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science requires students to reach at least a 3.50 grade-point average.
Matt Coran has joined the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation Board of Directors. Coran is a 2003 graduate of St. Cloud State University. After graduation, Coran joined American Heritage Bank and has been there ever since and currently serves as the St. Cloud market resident. He and his wife, Grace, have three children and have lived in Sartell since 2007.
Nine Sartell students graduated from St. Cloud State University during ceremonies on Dec. 20. The students are Kyle Erickson, bachelor’s in mass communications; Alex Mayer, bachelor’s in finance and real estate; Jackson Miller, bachelor’s in elementary/K-6 education; Samantha Mills, master’s in special studies; Dylan Noehring, bachelor’s in marketing, magna cum laude; Mia Piwowar, Bachelor of Arts, Business Economics, cum laude; Darek Stachowski, bachelor’s in sociology-interdepartmental, cum laude; Stephanie Wang, bachelor’s in accounting, cum laude; and Logan Weihs, bachelor’s in technology management, cum laude.
Brady Jackels of St. Stephen graduated from St. Cloud State University on Dec. 20 with a bachelor’s degree in finance.
Kayla Nelson of St. Stephen was named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must complete 12 or more letter-graded credits while attaining a 3.66 grade-point average.
Twenty Sartell students were named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must complete 12 or more letter-graded credits while attaining a 3.66 grade-point average. The students are Mohammad Alkhatib, Rita-Marie Chediac, Amna Dogar, Cami Doman, Sadie Folsom, Aline Glazos, Caroline Gruebele, Isabel Gugger, Kathleen Harthan, Kali Killmer, Allison Koopman, Kirsten Koskinen, Madison Molitor, Emma Rasmussen, Jialong Ren, Lucas Ryan, Isaac Schneider, Abby Silman, Rory Spanier and Matthew Weno.
Thirteen Sartell students were named to the fall semester high honor and honor lists at the University of Minnesota-Mankato. Students qualified for the high honor list by achieving a 4.0 grade-point average and qualified for the honor list by earning a 3.5 to 3.99 grade-point average. Madeline Davis, Sydney Dille and Kira Haglin were named to the high honor list. Anna Bakken, Emma Boenish, Kendra Bokelman, Madison Dobis, Mathew Huver, Madeline O’Rourke, Izabella Pederson, Megan Pederson, Taylor Schmidt and McKenzie Specht were named to the honor list.
Jenna Yang of Sartell was one of more than 2,800 University of Iowa students who participated in the 26th annual student-led Dance Marathon that raised more than $2.8 million for the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. Students, Dance Marathon leadership members and volunteers remained standing from 7 p.m. on Feb. 7 to 7 p.m. Feb. 8 to symbolize their support for the fight against pediatric cancer.
Five local students were named to the fall semester dean’s list at St. John’s University. The students are Dean Amundson, Ethan Berndt, Elliot Edeburn, Benjamin Hoeschen and Brandon Kramer. To be included on the dean’s list, students must have a semester grade-point average of at least 3.80 and have completed 12 credits.
Six Sartell students have been named to the fall semester dean’s list at the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. The students are Madison Flaherty, Shelby Hall, Breanna Hess, Haven Licht, Molly Mahowald and Hannah Wohletz. To be included in the dean’s list, students must have a grade-point average of at least 3.80 and have completed 12 credits.
Jacob Schumacher of Sartell graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology Dec. 15 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Sartell PeeWee A Hockey team took first place in District 5 playoffs on Feb. 23 at the Municipal Athletic Complex. Team members are (front row, from left) Jack Michaud, Adam Holien, Jameson Schmitz, Shaun Paulson and Caleb Thompson; (middle row) Landon Hilger, Carson Andel, Owen Oxton, KJ Sauer, Drew Bollinger and Tanner Burris; and (back row) Jake Volker, Caden Vos and Brayden Klande. Coaches are Kent Sauer, Will McCabe, Pat Michaud, Jeff Bollinger and Chad Holien.

Haley Hennen (cello) and Mady Bertsch (violin) received Excellent and Superior ratings respectively at the Orchestra Solo and Ensemble competition in Willmar. This was the first year Sartell High School students competed in the contest.

Sartell High School sophomore Twila Lefeber was selected as a member of the 2019-2020 Minnesota Band Directors Association 9-10th Grade Honor Band. Twila was selected from 260 students for one of the 89 positions in the group. The Honor Band will perform a concert at Marshall High School on April 19.