Ogeysiis! Importante para Usted, por favor léalo Please read!
Announcements brought to you by Cultural Bridges of St. Joseph, a volunteer-run organization and committee of Central Minnesota Community Empowerment Organization. We are dedicated to easing your transition into our community.
Everyone in St. Joseph is invited to a potluck from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 10.
It will take place at Resurrection Lutheran Hall, 610 CR 2. There is no fee.
What is a potluck? Each family brings one favorite dish to share – hamburger hot dish, sambusa, tacos, salad, bread or dessert. Bring your sweet tea. Water, regular tea and coffee will be provided as well as plates and silverware. College students can bring some fruit or cookies. The most important thing to bring is your family and friends from St. Joseph. There will be activities for the children after they eat.
Adult Education
We have no ESL Classes the week of March 11.
Morning classes will start again at the Spirituality Center near St. Benedict’s campus from 9-10:30 a.m. on Monday, March 18. Evening classes continue from 6:30-8p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, at St. Joseph Catholic School, on Minnesota Street. If your child’s school is closed because of weather or emergency, there is no ESL class that day – morning or evening. You MUST call or text your teacher or Dianne DeVargas if you cannot come to class.
If you have any questions, please contact Dianne DeVargas or Khadija Salah at 320-345-0593. Please share this message with other refugees and immigrants you know who live in St. Joseph.