Eighteen Sartell students recently graduated from St. Cloud State University during fall commencement on Dec. 21. The students, their degrees and majors are: Wendy Albjerg, bachelor’s in nursing, summa cum laude; Tara Asseln, master’s in social work; Courtney Boe, bachelor’s in early childhood education, summa cum laude; Jessica Condon, bachelor’s in social studies education, summa cum laude; Katelyn Dykhuizen, bachelor’s in social work, cum laude; Kayla Ferraro, bachelor’s in early childhood education, magna cum laude; Caleb Forberg, bachelor’s in mass communications, cum laude; Alicia Freihammer, bachelor’s in liberal studies; Alicia Freihammer, bachelor’s in nursing; Katherine Gatzke, bachelor’s in social work, magna cum laude; Melissa Gohman, bachelor’s in art education; Ryan Koenigs, master’s in educational administration plus leadership; Ethan Licht, bachelor’s in chemistry Professional ACS approved, magna cum laude; Jessica Meichsner, bachelor’s in English, magna cum laude; Trevor Nystrom, bachelor’s in liberal studies; Parker Olson, associate’s in liberal arts and sciences; Nathan Rockwell, bachelor’s in liberal studies; Bret Schwinghammer, bachelor’s in graphic design, magna cum laude; and Joshua Toftey, certificate in actuarial science.
Forty-five Sartell students were recently named to the fall semester dean’s list at St. Cloud State University. To be eligible for the honor, students must have a minimim grade-point average of 3.75. The students are: Brooke Amundson, Casey Becker, Deborah Beumer, Courtney Boe, Jessee Bramstedt, Jordyn Brandt, Kyle Cielinski, Kayla Clark, Caleb Clemens, Tyler Cronquist, Paige Elyea, Andrea Flategraff, Caleb Forberg, Alexis Gent, Paige Grabow, Alexis Haas, Angelica Hagen, Gabrielle Hagen, Matthew Hegland, Jordan Heinen, Kyle Helland, Anna Hince, Luke Kessler, Bailey Klinghagen, Christine Koch, Christopher Leach, Donovan Magney, Kayleen Martins, David Moore, Jonathan Oleson, Courtney Olund, Zachary Osga, Aaron Randall, Brian Robillard, Laurie Robles Ramirez, Nathan Rockwell, Hannah Ronyak, Paige Schaefer, Alyssa Schoon, Nicholas Schramel, Michael Sorensen, Mikayla Stockinger, Jennifer Thompson, Logan Weihs and Lidiah Zipp.
Two Sartell students were named to the fall semester dean’s list at Hamline University College of Liberal Arts. To be named to the list, a student needs a minimum 3.5 grade-point average. The students are: Echoe Bilben and Maddie Thieschafer.
Four Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the high honor list for fall semester at Minnesota State University, Mankato. They include Mackenzie Dockendorf of St. Stephen and Sartell students Kira Haglin, Mathew Huver and Bailey Mumm. To qualify for the high honor list, a 4.0 grade-point average is needed
Nine Sartell-St. Stephen students were recently named to the honor list for fall semester at Minnesota State University, Mankato. To qualify for the honor list, students maintain a 3.5 to 3.99 grade-point average. They include Sartell students Cora Cielinski, Madeline Davis, Madison Dobis, Megan Pederson, Nicole Schefers, Taylor Schmidt, McKenzie Specht, Melissa Thompson and St. Stephen’s Caroline Brand.
New Horizon Academy in Sartell has been named the Susan K. Dunkley 2018 School of Excellence. This award is given to just one of more than 70 New Horizon Academy locations.
In order to receive this award, a school must not only meet, but exceed, the criteria for outstanding performance in program application, staff leadership and development, and commitment to enrolled families and the community.
Eighteen Sartell students have recently been named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. To qualify for this honor, a student must attain a minimum 3.66 grade-point average.
The students are the following: Hosam Alkhatib, Logan Anding, Joseph Becker, Cami Doman, Aline Glazos, Kali Killmer, Kirsten Koskinen, Abigail Lahn, Jillian Lawson, Sophie Loberg, Matthew Markman, Eric Minnerath, Zachary Motschke, Justin Scherer, Isaac Schneider, Abby Silman, Rory Spanier and Samantha Venables.
Madison Vonderahe, a 2016 graduate of Sartell High School and daughter of Melinda and Adam Vonderahe, made the dean’s list at the University of Cincinnati for the fall semester. She earned a grade-point average of 3.833 in the College-Conservatory of Music.

Sartell Squirt C Blue team won first place in the 2018-2019 Minnesota District 5 Hockey Squirt C Championship tournament on March 3. Coached by Lewis Solarz and Andy Berger, the team’s district record for the season was 11-0. The players are Nikolas Berger, Brandon Cihlar, Noah George, Evan Hanson, Karson Kuznia, Lane Larson, Ronin Lester, Cael Mueller, Jaden Oxley , Liam Solarz and Owen Yasgar.