NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the city of Sartell will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Monday, June 9, 2014, at the Sartell City Hall, for the purpose of amending the city code of ordinances, Title 8, Sewer Use Code. A copy of the proposed changes to the ordinance is available for review at the city clerk’s office.
All interested persons are invited to attend to voice their opinion. Written comments will be accepted until the date of the hearing.
Mary Degiovanni
City Administrator
Publish: May 23, 2014
APRIL 21, 2014
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members present: Meyer; Krista Durrwachter, vice chair; Jason Nies, clerk; Mary McCabe, director; Pam Raden, director; Dan Riordan, director; and Michael M. Spanier, interim superintendent.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Riordan to amend the following items on the agenda:
C. Personnel Items; New Employees or Changes: Stacy Mancini, Oak Ridge Elementary, elementary classroom music teacher, effective August 2014; Caitlyn Heinen, Sartell High School, science teacher, effective August 2014; Traci Schellinger, Sartell Middle School, eighth-grade language arts teacher, effective August 2014. Leave of absence: Jason Spohn, Sartell Middle School teacher, expected duration: April 15-May 5, 2014. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Raden to approve consent items a-d as presented below:
- Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on March 17, 2014.
- Checks in the amount of $2,129,436.03 as presented:
General Fund 1,678,203.37
Food Service Fund 116,974.16
Transportation Fund 108,129.92
Community Service Fund 54,834.34
Capital Expenditure Fund 170,361.27
Summer Rec Agency Fund 932.97
Check numbers 155642 to 155986
Receipts in the amount of $4,040,441.90 as presented:
General Fund 3,677,071.13
Food Service Fund 226,350.67
Transportation Fund 28,510.70
Community Service Fund 74,850.87
Building Fund .54
Debt Service Fund 33,638.21
Summer Rec Agency fund 19.78
Receipts 39648 to 39761
Wire transfers in the amount of $3,755.92 as presented:
General Fund 642.93
Food Service Fund 2,915.19
Community Service Fund 197.80
Wire transfers 201300060-201300064
- Accept the following donations: ORE PTC to Oak Ridge Elementary, $3079.30 for cork bulletin bar; PME PTO to Pine Meadow Elementary, $398.75 for Student Council prize incentives; PME PTO to Pine Meadow Elementary, $500 for art-enrichment art show.
- Accept the resignation of Greg Johnson, Pine Meadow Elementary principal, effective June 30, 2014; Matthew Myers, Sartell High School teacher, effective June 9, 2014; Sherry Ritter-Ramer, Pine Meadow Elementary cashier, effective April 10, 2014; and Heather Shogren, Sartell Middle School teacher, effective June 9, 2014.
Accept the retirements of Jane Monarski Scepaniak, Pine Meadow Elementary teacher, effective June 9, 2014; and Duane Sprague, Sartell Middle School teacher, effective June 9, 2014.
Student Representative Report: Shawn Sullivan, senior at Sartell High School
The National Honor Society Induction Banquet was held on Monday, April 14, with 42 students being inducted. Student Council elections have occurred at Sartell High School. Students who have taken Advanced Placement classes will be taking the exams at the beginning of May. Prom will be held on Saturday, May 10, at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. Athletic activities are finally starting to practice outside, and first meets and games are underway. SMS activities and spring sports are in full swing, with fifth- and sixth-grade students having an opportunity to participate in swim camps and soccer. Battle of the Books will take place on April 30 at the Middle School. Spring music concerts have been happening across the district with many still to come. The Community Education Dance Show and the Student Council-led Fun Fest, both held on April 12, went well. Throughout the district, MCA testing is happening and will conclude in early May.
Superintendent Report: Michael M. Spanier, interim superintendent
Thank you to all our staff members for the flexibility and resolve over the tumultuous winter. A special thanks to Joe Reber and Lori Tchida for overseeing the snow removal around all of our buildings, and to Bob Gross, for transportation and busing coordination. Thanks to Claude Dingmann for his leadership in the installation of the security systems, with the most recent installation at Sartell High School, of a camera/buzzer system. Other school buildings will have systems installed by fall of 2014. Dingmann has also been instrumental in providing direction for our HVAC systems. The Education Done Differently event held at Sartell Middle School led by Brad Scherer, instructional technology specialist at the Middle School, and several Middle School teachers, was outstanding. It was inspiring to see the student and staff engagement, and see how we are educating our learners in and for the 21st century with amazing projects and application of the SAMR Model. A Safe Routes to School grant initiative was passed in collaboration with the city to put a sidewalk along Second Street to provide safer student access to our schools. The district has received a grant from the Stearns County Collaborative of $20,000 to be used to fund additional family therapy services and chemical awareness programming in the district.
School Board Committees
Benton-Stearns Report: Five of the six member districts of BSED have settled contracts with their teaching staff. BSED will continue to contract special-education services to STRIDE Academy.
Facilities Committee: Additional spacing is needed to provide quality learning for students. The group will continue to study and evaluate long-range needs. The most immediate need is at Sartell Middle School where the district is considering adding three additional permanent classrooms to the fifth-grade wing. This option is the best in the short and long term as it will provide additional space, be economical and provide long-term infrastructural space. The goal is to approve a plan and have space ready for Fall.
Finance and Operations
The committee reviewed the 2014-15 budget requests and staffing for the buildings with the plan to approve a budget at the May Board meeting.
Policy Committee
The committee continues to review policies and extract information that is procedural in nature. These items will be separate documents from the policies.
Negotiations Committee
A tentative agreement has been reached with the 284 Multi-Unit group.
Schools for Equity in Education: Brad Lundell, executive director for Schools for Equity in Education, reported on SEE and providing value-added services in providing district’s equitable, adequate and sustainable funding. He also reported on happenings at the legislature and current legislative initiatives.
District Health Services: Asha Poepping, ISD 748 district nurse, reported on the current state of nursing services.
Sartell Middle and High School Activities: John Ross, ISD 748 activities director, reported on the 13-14 athletics and activities programming.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION AS AMENDED.
New Employees or Changes:
Shane Broermann, SMS junior high track, $1,503,BS1/4.5 percent replacing Greg Jamison;
Margaret Burk, SMS, vocal music – choir director, $35,036, BA, S1, replacing Kay Nelson;
Katlyn Kiehn, SMS JH girls golf, $1,503.00, BS1/4.5 percent, replacing Courtney Suemnick;
Kristopher Lynk, ORE principal, $103,185, S8, replacing Randy Husmann;
Cathy Maland, SHS, LTS Spanish, $23.10/per hour, BA, S1, replacing Emily Meyer;
Carmen Mead, SMS, SPED, $48,839, MA, S6, replacing Michael Chamberlain;
Jorden Nelson, SMS, LTS for seventh-grade language arts, $184.81/per day, BA, S1, Michelle Raml – leave;
Sara Nelson, PME, principal, $103,185, S8, replacing Greg Johnson;
Rob Notsch, SMS, seventh-grade baseball, $1,542, BS2/4.5 percent, new position;
Beau Penk, SMS, JH boys tennis, $1,503, BS1/4.5 percent, new position;
Montana Peters, SMS, SPED, $35,036, BA, S1, replacing Mary Jo Vigoren;
Heidi Schmidt, SMS, special ed: speech/language, $48,839, MA, S6, replacing Cathy Ballard;
Roy Snyder, SHS, social studies, $47,946, MA,S5, new position;
Janet Summerall, SHS, LTS Spanish, $23.10/per hour, BA, S1, replacing Emily Meyer;
Elizabeth Swenson, ORE, student supervisor, $12.65/per hour, RI, S1, replacing Guadalupe Schmidt;
MaryAnn Terwey, ORE, LTS-cook, $17.33/per hour, RIV, S2, 5.25 hours per day, replacing Lois Villcheck;
Robin Zormeier, SMS, LTS-cook, $18.18/per hour, RIV, S3, 8 hours per day, replacing Judy Schwankl (LOA);
Stacy Mancini, ORE, elementary classroom music, $46,157, MA, S3, replacing Kathy Wood;
Caitlyn Heinen, SHS, science, $37,721, BA, S4, new position;
Traci Schellinger, SMS, eighth-grade language arts, $47,051, MA, S4, replacing Bridget Hooley
Leave of Absence: Therese Nierengarten, SMS teacher, part time, Nov. 23, 2013-June 9, 2014; Lisa Schoon, SHS receptionist, full time, March 27, 2014-March 27, 2015; Jason Spohn, SMS teacher, full time, April 15, 2014 – May 5, 2014.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to HAVE SECOND READINGS AND APPROVE REVISIONS TO POLICIES 104, 106, 202, 503, 515, 532, 602, 603, 604, 619, AND 710. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to REMOVE POLICY 214 WHICH HAS RESULTED IN RECOMMENDATION FOR REMOVAL OF THIS POLICY. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Durrwachter to APPROVE THE RESOLUTION FOR NON-RENEWAL OF THE PROBATIONARY CONTRACTS AS PRESENTED FOR Anna Burbridge, Hsing-I Chan, Barb Eckberg, Jill Haehn, Teresa Heck, Krista Heim, Aaron Johnson, Kaye Kalthoff, Kayla Lord, Doreen Schmidt, Kirsten Uran and Kirsten Welz. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE THE SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL SPANISH CLUB FUNDRAISER FOR THE TRIP TO COSTA RICA. All in favor. Motion carried.
The board had official review of the following policies: 207, 210 and 215. Policy 215 will be brought back to the policy committee for language review to revise specific number of student board representatives.
The board had the first of two readings of revisions of the following policies: 201, 203.1, 204, 206, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214.1, 404 and 613.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings
May 6 at 7:30 a.m. – Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Committee, District Service Center
May 12 at 4 p.m. – Policy Committee, District Service Center
May 15 at 4:15 p.m. – Finance and Operations Committee, District Service Center
May 15 at 5:15 p.m. – Facilities Committee, District Service Center
May 19 at 7 p.m. – Regular School Board Meeting, District Service Center
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m. was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan. All in favor. Motion carried.
Jason Nies, clerk
Publish: May 23, 2014