Conversations on Race and Spirituality

Conversations on Race and Spirituality

October 22, 2021

The public is invited and encouraged to attend this important forum. 

You are warmly invited to a gathering via zoom to share prayers for racial justice and healing. The deeply felt events of the past couple weeks have revealed to us all the work that lies ahead in striving for racial equality. Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, wrote over 80 years ago that "the elimination of racial prejudice is America's most challenging issue".  It is evident that that is still true today.

So, please join us in prayer, song, or poem from all cultures and faith traditions as we continue the struggle for racial justice.

Hosted by Jerry, Jennifer, Sumre

Zoom meeting ID#: 867 447 3725

Password: 102289

Call for information: 320-255-9999

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Raquel Bolivar

Raquel Bolivar

Rajahna is a returning team member of The Newsleaders Newspaper. She has been a part of the business since she was a young girl learning from Janelle. Rajahna attended Illinois State University where she received her Master’s in music therapy.

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