Spring Appliance and Electronic Dropoff

Spring Appliance and Electronic Dropoff

May 18, 2024

Spring Appliance and Electronic Dropoff, 8 a.m.-noon, Public Works Facility, 1855 Elm St. E., St. Joseph. Residents who participate in the City Refuse Program are eligible to place additional refuse curbside at no additional charge. All refuse must be on curbside by 6 a.m. and items are limited to a 6-feet by 6-feet area. The annual clean-up handout shows what can and cannot be placed curbside as well as what can be brought to the appliance and electronic dropoff. 

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Raquel Bolivar

Raquel Bolivar

Rajahna is a returning team member of The Newsleaders Newspaper. She has been a part of the business since she was a young girl learning from Janelle. Rajahna attended Illinois State University where she received her Master’s in music therapy.

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