Sartell firefighter Rusty Deters walks a mother and her sons to a firetruck on display Aug. 3 during National Night Out at Val Smith Park. They are (left to right) Tara Nelsen; Rae Askin, 5, and Gabe Askin, 7, all of Sartell. The Sartell police and fire departments made 28 visits during National Night Out.

Children dig for dimes in a pool filled with corn Aug. 3 during National Night Out at Val Smith Park. They are (left to right) Jordan Feiler, 10; Sophie Wheeler, 7, and Adyleigh Hinnenkamp, 7, all of Sartell.

Brant Ruhl, of Sartell, grills hamburgers and hot dogs to feed a crowd Aug. 3 at Val Smith Park’s National Night Out.