Tani waa kuu muhiim adiga. Fadlan aqri.
Ogeysiis! Importante para Usted, por favor léalo. Please read!
Announcements brought to you by Cultural Bridges of St. Joseph, a committee of Central Minnesota Community Empowerment Organization. We are dedicated to ease your transition into our community.
Tani waa kuu muhiim adiga. Fadlan aqri.
Ogeysiis! Importante para Usted, por favor léalo. Please read!
Announcements brought to you by Cultural Bridges of St. Joseph, a committee of Central Minnesota Community Empowerment Organization. We are dedicated to ease your transition into our community.
There was a good turnout of 50-60, with several cultures present for the ISAIAH meeting on Dec. 7 at Tech High School.
The subtitle of the conference, “Dream, Build, Act, Together” came through with all that happened from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
After a vision statement was shared, various area leaders spoke on ways to build that vision. An Adverse Childhood Education position has been filled with area hospitals, an advocate making us aware of the dire consequences from negative childhood experiences.
Some also shared what’s confronting them and their families. e.g. the profiling, harassment, arrests, rent being raised three times this year on mobile units in Waite Park, a call to police from a Somali gentleman asking for help in resolving an issue went unanswered until another person of color/noncolor placed the call.
There was small group sharing on the following:
What are the core things you value? Where do those values come from?
What would be possible for you and your family if this vision presented earlier was a reality? What is at stake for you?
What do you love about living in Central Minnesota?
It was inspiring when people were invited to share dreams for 2021, including all people drive, more mental health counselors, no detention beds and citizenship.
As the schedule moved on, ISAIAH leadership spoke how effective they were last election cycle with caucusing. Next- steps timelines were passed out including upcoming caucus training to get ready for the next cycle of elections.
Lastly, we met in church or culture congregations, and were asked to see how to move forward within our own churches or creeds.
Caucus training schedule:
Sunday, Jan. 19: 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell;
Thursday, Jan. 23: 6-8 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 340 Fifth Ave. S., St. Cloud;
Saturday, Feb. 1: 10 a.m.-noon, Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave. N., St Cloud;
Tuesday, Feb. 4: 6-8 p.m., First United Methodist Church;
Sunday, Feb. 9: 11:15 a.m-1:15 p.m., First Presbyterian Church.
The 2020 precinct caucuses will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25 at locations set by the parties.
Caucus launch event: Saturday, Feb. 22 from 10-11 a.m., location to be announced later. To register: https://secure.everyaction.com/p/8yrITGEiBkWlcjJ5oHarig2
If you have any questions, please contact Juliana Howard at 715-791-8976 or Jamal Elmi at 320-310-2351.

The ISAIAH event was Dec. 7 at Tech High School in St. Cloud.