The “National Night Out” event was a big hit Aug. 5 in Sartell, with 13 neighborhoods participating.
“It was a great turnout,” Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes said at the last city-council meeting.
Hughes said he was glad to report that he, police officers and fire-department personnel were able to attend all 13 of the events to meet with residents and share concerns. Hughes said it was good to see neighbors using their neighborhood parks for such productive gatherings.
The purpose of National Night Out is for neighbors to get to know one another and, hopefully, to develop neighborhood safety strategies with advice from police and firefighters.
Sartell Mayor Joe Perske thanked Hughes and said he was glad National Night Out events are increasing. Perske also gave “kudos” to Sandra Cordie, a Sartell resident who has helped promote National Night Out from her own example and through the media. Cordie is a former Sartell City Council member.