SEPT. 16, 2019
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by Chair Jason Nies. Members present: Nies; Pamela Raden, clerk; Amanda Byrd, treasurer; Lesa Kramer, director; Patrick Marushin, director; and Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent. Arrival post roll call: Jeremy Snoberger, vice chair, 6:37 p.m. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A-E AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Aug. 19, 2019
Minutes of the board work session held on Sept. 11, 2019
b. Checks in the amount of $1,290,085.89 as presented:
General Fund 996,889.02
Food Service Fund 21,046.02
Transportation Fund 14,362.47
Community Service Fund 7,182.47
Capital Expenditure Fund 245,991.65
Summer Rec Agency Fund 4,614.26
Check numbers 176078 – 176281
ACHs in the amount of $4,809.70 as presented:
General Fund 4,034.70
Food Service Fund 422.58
Summer Rec Agency Fund 352.60
ACH numbers 192000011-192000028
Receipts in the amount of $7,050,050.82 as presented:
General Fund 6,666,615.58
Food Service Fund 53,876.14
Transportation Fund 1,062.99
Community Service Fund 54,874.11
Capital Expenditure Fund 21,407.77
Building Fund 3,660.50
Debt Service Fund 237,738.73
Summer Rec Agency Fund 10,815.00
Receipts 46368 – 46477
Wire transfers in the amount of $104,414.69 as presented:
General Fund 47,906.76
Food Service Fund 2,888.67
Transportation Fund 20,786.46
Community Service Fund 961.00
Capital Expenditure Fund 6,090.17
Building Fund 25,781.63
Wire transfers 201900091-201900139
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $2,675,474.04 as presented:
Building Fund 2,675,474.05
Check numbers 600683 to 600724
c. Accept the following donations:
Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation, Sartell-St.Stephen ISD 748, $34,067, SSEF grants 19-20; Lynn, Jason and Kelli Quinn, girls’ soccer team, $2,000, support the girls’ soccer program; Scott M Raden Memorial Fund, boys’ golf team, $2,000, support for the boys’ golf team.
d. Accept the resignation of Barbara Eaton, SMS, para, 8/2/19; DanLynn Kolstad, District, sub food service worker, 8/23/19. Rescind resignation of Sara Yarand, SHS, para, 7/15/19.
e. Approval of Student Teacher Agreements with Minnesota State University Moorhead.
Construction Manager Report on Building Process:
- Construction Manager Lee Gruen reported the open house for the new high school went very well; he thanked the board for allowing him to attend. A few loose ends are being wrapped up at the site and he will continue to work with Brenda Steve to complete the last few tasks. The remodel at the old high school to transition to a middle school is in full progress.
Superintendent Report: Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent
- Superintendent Schwiebert reported the new high school received three donations from community members, with thanks going to: The Omann family who donated the large decorative rocks on the property, Northern Metals provided the metal blue tables and Wells Concrete provided the dugout area concrete. Open house for the new high school went extremely well. Thank you to all staff who provided their time to make this a success. There will be two more levy presentations to staff. The grades 3-5 building’s name was announced as Riverview Intermediate School, with students helping with the reveal event. Transition planning for next year’s grade reconfiguration will begin and be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Assessment Results / Building Goals Report:
- District Assessment Coordinator Marie Pangerl reported on the 2018-19 assessment results. Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services Kay Nelson and building principals reported on building goals for 2019-20.
Student Representative Report:
- Student Representatives Sarah Ufearo reported on happenings around the district. Students officially moved into the new high school with an emphasis on showing respect for the school. The year has started with only a few hiccups, with concerns from students involving lockers and the ability to carry backpacks. Homecoming has begun with the carnival, powder-puff football game and fundraiser for “Tanner’s Team” events. The events will end with the football game and dance in the gymnasium. The Middle School has been selling T-shirts for homecoming and will hold a pepfest and grillout during the week. At Oak Ridge and Pine Meadow students have focused on Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support for building values and safety. Both schools will have a walk-a-thon and dress up days in celebration of homecoming week.
Enrollment Report:
- Superintendent Schwiebert reported on the current 2019-2020 enrollment numbers for each school.
School Board Committee Report:
- No reports.
New Continuing Contract Report:
- Director of Human Resources Bart Appleton reported on certified staff members who have obtained Continuing Contract status in the district beginning this school year.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE #1-32:
New Employees/Changes:
Adam Abfalter, ORE, part-time cleaner, $15.27/hour, RI, S1, 4 hours/day, replacing Laura Becker-Pallister, 8/27/2019; Molly Butkowski, DSC-Early Childhood, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1,15 hours/week, new position, 8/27/2019; Jim Christensen, SHS, fall play technical director, $1,287 (3.35 percent), BA, 0 ($38,410), replacing Samantha Deans, 8/27/2019; Barb Cooney, SHS, receptionist, $18.77/hour, RII, S1, 202 days/year, replacing Sue Sathre, 9/3/2019; Chris Euteneuer, Transportation, bus driver, $22.83/hour, 3.5 hours/day, replacing Kelly Hanson, 9/3/2019; Wyatt Gwost, Transportation, bus driver, $22.83/hour, 3.5 hours/day, replacing Vern Klaverkamp, 8/27/2019; Nicholas Hemmesch, SMS, student supervisor, $13.87/hour, RI, S1, 2.25 hours/day, replacing Elisa Gaetz, 9/3/2019; Amy Hennen, SMS, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, feplacing Kendra Reinert, 8/27/2019; Karen Johnson, ORE, student supervisor, $13.87/hour, RI, S1, 2 hours/day, replacing Jenna Boyle, 9/3/2019; Mallory Johnson, SMS, junior high girls soccer, $1,220 (6.35 percent), BA, 0 ($38,410), 50 percent contract, replacing Andrea Potter, 8/26/2019; Eric Koplitz, SHS, SPED, $20,185, BA, Step A, .5 FTE, replacing Stacy Kubesh, 8/21/2019; Priscilla Lessard, SMS, food service worker, $15.27/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Michelle Shouse, 8/20/2019; Wendy Meierhofer, PME, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 6.25 hours/day, new position, 9/23/2019; Rachel Michalek, DSC, health assistant, $22.30/hour, RVII, S1, 5 hours/day, 162 days/year, replacing Holly Justin, 8/26/2019; Susan Oachs, DSC, child care attendant, $13.87/hour, RI, S1, 5.25 hours/day (M/W/F), 6.75 hours/day (T/TH), replacing Alyssa Kasella, 9/3/2019; Gina Och, DSC – Early Childhood, child care attendant, $16.97/hour, R1, S5, 1.75 hours/day (T/TH), 3.25 hours/day (F), replacing Mara Richardson, 9/9/2019; Brittany Olson, SMS, fifth-grade, $55,120, MA10, Step C, replacing Jordan Gieske, 8/21/2019; Jill Peterson, SMS, cashier, $15.27/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Kelly Hanson, 8/19/2019; Amy Reinert, SMS, lead building supervisor, $15.31/hourr, RIII, S1, 8 hours/day, replacing Alyssa Bergland, 9/3/2019; Jennifer Reuckert, SMS, junior high girls’ soccer, $1,220 (6.35 percent), BA, 0 ($38,410), percent contract, replacing Andrea Potter, 8/26/2019; Sarah Schmitz, DSC-Early Childhood, child care attendant, $13.87/hour, RI, S1, 1.75 hours/day (M/W), new position, 9/9/2019; Peter Schreifels, SHS, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Nancy Walters, 8/27/2019; Chris Schumer, SMS, eighth grade football, $2,439 (6.35), BA, 0 ($38,410), replacing Jake Smith, 8/26/2019; Rebecca Simonsen, ORE, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 4 hours/day, new position, 9/19/2019; Rebecca Simonsen, DSC-Early Childhood, child care attendant, $13.87/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, new position, 9/19/2019; Lori Tchida, SHS, temporary lead custodian, $23.80/hour, RIV, S6, 8 hours/day, replacing Brian Larson, 9/10/2019; David Thompson, SMS, 7/8-grade Knowledge Bowl, $864 (2.25 percent), BA, 0 ($38,410), replacing Nicole Schmitt, 9/1/2019; David Thompson, SMS, 7/8-grade Academic Triathlon, $864 (2.25%), BA, 0 ($38,410), replacing Nicole Schmitt, 9/15/2019; Kayla Vadnais, SMS, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Barb Eaton, 8/27/2019; Leah Westergren, SHS, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, new position, 8/27/2019; Renee Zieglmeier, SMS, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, new position, 8/17/2019.
Leaves of Absence:
Joseph Vanek, SHS, FACS, LOA, 9/12/19-6/30/20.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Kramer to APPROVE RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL FOREST FOR THE SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 748. On a roll call vote: Nies, Snoberger, Raden, Byrd, Kramer and Marushin in favor. None against. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE THE PROPOSED SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND EXTENDED FIELD TRIP FROM JUNE 7-12, 2020 TO DENVER. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE NOV. 5, 2019 SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION. On a roll call vote: Nies, Snoberger, Raden, Byrd, Kramer and Marushin in favor. None against. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Raden to APPROVE REVISIONS TO POLICIES 610, 611, 612, 615, 618 AND 619. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Kramer to APPROVE THE CERTIFICATION OF THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT FOR THE PROPOSED 2019/PAYABLE 2020 LEVY AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Future Board Meeting – Monday, Oct. 21 @ District Service Center – 6:30 p.m.
Official Review of Policies:
The Board had the official second reading of adoption of proposed policy 713.
Committee assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:46 p.m. was made by Marushin and seconded by Raden. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Pamela Raden, clerk
Publish: Nov. 1, 2019