Turkey in a Bag seeks donations
Thanksgiving in a Box/Turkey in a Bag, sponsored by a group of Sartell High School students, is collecting monetary donations from Nov. 15-19. The group will fill boxes of food to distribute to families in need. While the school has an in-person option, donors may also donate virtually by visiting https://sartell.revtrak.net/Donations/#/v/thanksgiving-in-a-bag-donation.
Snow is coming!
Volunteers are needed to provide snow removal for Assumption Faith in Action clients who are 60 and older to help them remain independent in their homes. Snow removal is needed in St. Joseph and St. Cloud areas. Contact Ashley Folwarski, Assumption Faith in Action, at 320-348-2322 or haselkamp.ashley@assumptionhome.com
Help youth in our community
There are many ways to volunteer with Pathways 4 Youth, whether it be working with youth at their youth resource center, helping with donations and events, or providing a hot meal for dinner. To learn how you can become a Pathways volunteer, schedule a tour or request information, call 320-316-1640 or email pathways4youth@lssmn.org to complete the volunteer form.
Socks, undies drive
United Way is collecting undergarments! Collect and donate new, unopened packages of socks and underwear in all sizes for all ages. Items will be donated to families in our community who are struggling to make ends meet. Drop off donations between 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, at United Way of Central Minnesota, 921 First St. N., St. Cloud 56303. Contact Mary Krippner, director of volunteer engagement at (320) 223-7991 or mkrippner@unitedwayhelps.org.
Winter gear for kids
Collect winter gear to help kids stay warm this cold winter season. All gently used and new winter clothing of all sizes accepted. Items include hats, waterproof gloves, snow pants, coats/jackets, boots and warm socks. Contact Mary Krippner at (320) 223-7991 or mkrippner@unitedwayhelps.org.
‘We Are Thankful’ to be held Nov. 14
United Way of Central Minnesota and Kids Fighting Hunger are excited to announce our ninth annual “We Are Thankful” community-wide food-packaging event on Sunday, Nov. 14, at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. This event will give families, adults and children in our communities a chance to help provide needed food to families in Central Minnesota and in countries that are experiencing food insecurities.Three shifts available to volunteer 9-11 a.m., 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. Donations needed to pay for ingredients. Recommended donation is $20/per adult, $15/per student, $10/per child. Masks required. Visit www.unitedwayhelps.org to register. Contact Mary Krippner, United Way director of volunteer engagement. at (320) 223-7991 or mkrippner@unitedwayhelps.org.