Sartell Middle School students have been working hard, making comfort items for cancer patients at the Coborn’s Cancer Center, under the tutelage of Sartell teacher Lori Dornburg and Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education Director Ann Doyscher-Domres. The students are (front row, left to right) Ashley Jones, Bronwyn Lebeck, Brooke Nett, Emily Hahn, Alexa Kiley and Mallory Moen; (back row) Laurel Nebosis, Victoria Clemens, Rachel Fuchs, Emma Arneson, Rachael Gooding, Grace Vogt, Brianna Holenkamp, Minnie Czech, Sadie Baumann and Emily Domres.
Sophia VanSurksum, a native of Sartell, is officially enrolled as a member of the Class of 2018 at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. The undergraduate class is the largest (4,666 students) and most diverse first-year class in UI history.
Zachary Jacobson, of Sartell, will participate on the Cougars’ men’s soccer team at the University of Minnesota-Morris.
Kelsi Kolle, of Sartell, will participate on the Cougars’ women’s soccer team at the University of Minnesota-Morris.
Sarah Lage, daughter of Michelle and Mike Lage, Sartell and a freshman special education/music major, is the house representative for the Armstrong House of the Residence Hall Association for the 2014-15 academic year at Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall. RHA is the governing body of all students living in the residence halls. It provides a means for its members to voice their needs and concerns regarding issues affecting the quality of life for on-campus students. RHA consists of representatives from each house/floor. A primary function for RHA is to act as a center of communication among the individual houses/floors, between residence hall students and the Residence Life staff.
Three Sartell students from National Karate competed Oct. 10 and 11 at the Diamond Nationals Tournament, which was held in Bloomington, Minn. They and their trophies are as follows: Autumn Blommer and Jonathon Rivard, who both took first-place honors and each received a four-foot-high trophy; and Bailey Guggisberg, who place third. The Diamond Nationals is one of the biggest karate tournaments in the United States.