If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
Sept. 29
8:19 a.m. Property damage. Birch Street W. Maintenance reported some time over the weekend a water pump pipe was bent to about a 45-degree angle. Unknown suspects. Valued at $100.
9:38 a.m. Lost property. Bars in St. Joseph. Complainant stated she had her Minnesota driver’s license at the Middy bar at about 11:30 p.m. She is unable to find it and needed to report it as lost. She was informed if it was turned in, she would be called, but would need to go and get a new license.
3:02 p.m. Ordinance violation. Ash Street E. Homeowner was given a citation on Sept. 26 and advised the ticket would be paid and the area cleaned up by Sept. 29. As of Sept. 29 nothing had been taken care of. Another citation was issued with a deadline of Oct. 16. If that deadline was not met, the city would clean it up and bill it back to the homeowner. As of Oct. 18 the area was not cleaned up and the fine not paid. The matter was turned over to the city for clean-up and billing.
Sept. 30
3:29 p.m. Found property. First Avenue NW/Minnesota Street W. A lost cell phone was turned in to an officer by a passerby. The phone was a red Samsung. Officer made contact with the phone owner’s mother who passed the message on to the owner. The phone was picked up by the owner later that day.
Oct. 1
12:20 a.m. Domestic assault. College Avenue S. Complainant stated her husband had placed his fist in her face and pushed it into her face hard enough that she thought he broke her tooth. He also grabbed her by her shoulder hard. Complainant stated she was in fear for herself and child. The husband was placed under arrest and transported to jail. A citation was issued for two counts of domestic assault.
3:22 p.m. Welfare check. Tenth Avenue SE. Complainant stated they could not make contact with a woman. Officer checked the house and no one came to the door. The windows were covered and the door locked. Spoke to neighbors who stated they saw her leave Saturday with a bunch of bags. They stated she left with a male in possibly a blue car. They also stated she leaves a lot for long times. Officer called complainant and informed them of this.
Oct. 3
7:09 p.m. Animal complaint. Fifth Avenue NW. Complainant had two stray dogs contained in her garage. Collars were on both dogs, but no identification. Complainant stated she tried looking in the area for the owner but had no success. Both dogs were brought to Becky’s Bed and Biscuit in St. Joseph.
Oct. 4
10:46 a.m. Civil issue. Birch Street W. BP gas station reported a male pumped $20 in gas and had only $8 cash. On officer’s arrival the male had found a person to come pay the difference for him. Nothing further.
1:15 p.m. Suspicious person. College Avenue S. A female was sleeping in a chair at CSB Haen Campus Center. A CSB security officer and St. Joseph police officer spoke to her. She stated she was there to watch some sporting events and do some research on her deceased uncle who was a monk at St. John’s Abbey. CSB was OK with her staying there.
2:13 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Minnesota Street W. Complainant called to report a vehicle parked in the grass of an alley behind Minnesota Street W. Officer arrived and found the vehicle unlocked and could see a wallet inside the vehicle. The officer opened the door and found a Minnesota drivers’ license inside the wallet and several parking tickets from CSB/SJU. SJU located the car owner. He was advised of the complaint, moved the car and said he wouldn’t park it there again.
3:21 p.m. Found property. CR 2/Robert Road. A social security card and old SJU ID card were found. The items were brought to the SJPD. The owner was contacted and the items were picked up.