Laura Somppi, daughter of Monica and Michael Sompii, both of Sartell, has been admitted as a member of the Class of 2017 to Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Somppi is a graduate of Sartell High School.
Dawn Moen has joined the CentraCare Health Foundation as a program specialist with Better Living: Exercise and Nutrition Daily. Her primary responsibility will include growing the Safe Routes to School Initiative within Central Minnesota communities including Sartell. Dawn’s efforts will include evaluating and expanding the safety, awareness and usage of the walking and biking paths surrounding Pine Meadow Elementary and Sartell Middle School. Moen holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in business from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota and has worked for such companies as Healthways, Carlson Craft and Ameriprise Financial in a marketing management capacity. She lives in Sartell with her husband and two children and is an avid runner and cyclist.
CentraCare Health Foundation engages the community to improve health care and health in Central Minnesota by supporting advances in treatment and technology. Safe Routes to School is a federally funded program, which improves the safety, reduces traffic and improves air quality near schools. This initiative makes bicycling and walking to school safer therefore encouraging healthier and more active lifestyles. For more information visit