Sartell schools to hold special ed meeting
The Sartell Special Education Advisory Committee will meet between 6 and 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6 at the District Service Center, 212 3rd Ave. N. This meeting is open to all parents of students served in special education in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District.
Second Saturdays starts at market
Minnesota Street Market inaugurates Second Saturdays at the Market from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11.
Free food and drinks for all. Become a member and get $10 off your $100 basket.
County parks to offer disabled persons hunt
A deer hunt for people with disabilities will take place in November at two Stearns County parks, Rockville Park and Nature Preserve and Spring Hill County Park. The parks will be closed to the general public during these hunts. Hunters will be able to use shotguns, bows or crossbows. Hunting will be limited to portable ground blinds.
Hunters need to apply and will be selected and supervised by Midwest Outdoors Unlimited for each of the hunts. The mission of the group is to provide outdoor recreational activities for Disabled American Veterans, disabled individuals and disabled youth in Minnesota. Each disabled hunter will be accompanied by at least one able-bodied person while in the park.
People interested in participating can get an application from Midwest Outdoors Unlimited, c/o Ron Welle, 28791 325th Ave. Melrose, MN 56352 or Completed applications must be returned to the previously listed addresses by Friday, Oct. 10.
The 284-acre Rockville County Park is west of Rockville’s Eagle Park and Stearns County Road 139 on Sauk River Road. It includes more than a mile of Sauk River shoreline and natural features such as granite outcroppings and hardwood forests. Completed developments in the park include a bridge, trails, bathrooms, equestrian area and observation deck. The largest portion of the park, 194 acres, was donated by longtime environmental advocates John and Linda Peck. The county purchased the remaining land in 2007.
The 82- acre Spring Hill County Park is located in central Stearns County along the Sauk River. It’s a beautiful location for a family get-together, fishing and canoe camping.
Register to vote online
Stearns County residents may register to vote online. The online voter registration application was developed by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State and can be accessed at, or on the Stearns County website at Voters may register or update their existing registration information online. Advanced registration for the upcoming general election is open until Tuesday, Oct. 14. Voters who register on or before that date will have their names placed on the roster in their polling place on general election day, Tuesday, Nov. 4. The online registration application is designed to ensure only persons providing driver’s license and Social Security numbers and an email address will be able to register. Online applications are subject to the same verification process as paper registrations. Paper applications are still available for people who wish to use them to register to vote. Contact the Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer’s office at 320-656-3920, or email with any questions or for additional information.
Quit tobacco through the Outpatient Nicotine Dependence Program at St. Cloud Hospital. The next session is from 5:30-6:30 p.m. beginning Tuesday, Oct. 7 and runs for five consecutive weeks at the CentraCare Heart and Vascular Center. Deadline to register is Monday, Oct. 6. Find success through the program’s personalized treatment, support group, medication therapy, relapse prevention and self-help plan. Cigarette smoking is the No. cause of preventable disease and death worldwide. Smoking-related diseases claim more than 393,000 American lives each year. People who use tobacco are at higher risk of stroke and heart attack. “The cigarette industry spends billions on advertising and promotions each year,” said Sarah Volker, a tobacco treatment specialist from the CentraCare Heart and Vascular Center. “Your health is priceless, and we want to help anyone who would like to discontinue use of nicotine.” If you are interested in individual counseling or registering for the group sessions, call 320-251-2700, ext. 57448.
DNR seeks designs for Minnesota’s 2015 walleye stamp
Wildlife artists can submit entries for the 2015 Minnesota walleye stamp from Monday, Oct. 6, through Friday, Oct. 17, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources recently announced.
The walleye stamp is sold along with hunting and fishing licenses or as a collectable. Revenue from stamp sales is dedicated to purchasing fish for stocking.
The contest offers no prizes and is open to Minnesota residents only. The walleye must be the primary focus of the design, though other fish species may be included in the design if they are used to depict common interaction between species or are common inhabitants of Minnesota lakes and rivers.
Artists are not allowed to use any photographic product as part of their finished entries. Winning artists usually issue limited-edition prints of the artwork and retain proceeds. Judging will take place at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 23, at DNR headquarters, 500 Lafayette Road in St. Paul.
Artists who want to submit entries should closely read contest criteria and guidelines for submitting work, available from the DNR Information Center, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155, by calling the Information Center at 651-296-6157 or 888-646-6367, and online at
United Way Volunteer Opportunity
Stocking and light maintenance
Catholic Charities Emergency Services is looking for volunteers to do some serious physical work. Volunteers will be stocking shelves as well as light maintenance from noon to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and from 1-5 p.m. Wednesdays. Contact Chad, Catholic Charities Emergency Services, at 320-229-4568.
Take part in a child’s education
Help a child read. Help a child with math. Take part in a child’s education and learning by becoming a reader, tutor or mentor to a child at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota. Make a difference in a child’s life in as little as one hour a week. You will set your own schedule with the volunteer coordinator to fit your needs. We only ask volunteers be able to relate well with children in a group environment, participate as an active team member with staff and other volunteers, and abide by volunteer policies. Volunteers must go through an interview and orientation process as well as completing a criminal background check before starting their volunteer experience. Bethany Theisen, Boys and Girls Club volunteer coordinator, at 320-257-5115.
Transport veterans
The St. Cloud VA depends upon volunteers to transport Veterans to their health-care appointments within a 30-mile radius of St. Cloud. Volunteers may be assigned to drive a wheelchair accessible club van, shuttle bus or a sedan. Drivers should have a valid Class D Minnesota driver’s license, have a safe driving record and pass a physical examination (provided at no cost). This assignment requires excellent customer-service skills and a sincere desire to help veterans safely access the care they need. Contact the VA Voluntary Service office at 320-255-6365 or
Volunteer in the Gift Gallery
Assist with day-to-day operations and sales in the Gift Gallery. All proceeds benefit the St. Cloud Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary funded programs. The Gift Gallery is an excellent place to shop for gifts for all occasions. We offer a plentiful selection of plush animals, flowers, plants, balloons, greeting cards, jewelry, seasonal items and much more. Staffed by welcoming and gracious volunteers, you will always find a friendly and helpful voice. Volunteer once a week for four hours at CentraCare Health Plaza or St. Cloud Hospital. Contact the St. Cloud Hospital Volunteer Office at 320-255-5638.
RSVP…your invitation to serve
RSVP is a volunteer program for men and women age 55 and better offering a variety of one-time and on-going volunteer opportunities within 220 local human-service organizations. With RSVP, volunteers choose how and where they want to serve. They choose the amount of time they want to give. And they choose whether they want to draw on current skills or develop new ones. Volunteers can utilize optional mileage reimbursement through RSVP. Contact RSVP at 320-255-7295 or visit
For more information, contact Mary Krippner, United Way Volunteer Engagement Coordinator at 320-223-7991 or